DATE 3 MEI 2010
Assalaamu 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Let us praise praise the presence of Almighty God, who has given us the opportunity to implement the National Education Day Commemoration Ceremony (Education Day). At this opportunity we also use to hold a family friendship colleagues at our beloved institution.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Each dated May 2 is celebrated as National Education Day, which is often abbreviated as Education Day. For this year's Education Day takes the theme of Education Science, Technology and the Arts Ensure Sustainable Development and Enhancing Competitiveness Nations.
Dated May 2 is the birthday of Ki Hajar Dewantara, who was born in Yogyakarta on May 2, 1889. Ki Hajar Dewantara is the Indonesian independence movement activist and founder of College Student Park. Establishment of institutions that are home to native to get an education as well priayi obtained the Dutch community in Indonesia.
See displayed on the Education Day theme this time, we're actually proud of the success of the nation's children who have won many Olympic gold medals in a variety of science abroad. Indonesian children do not lose and even often be the best in each Science Olympiad held various international bodies.
Unfortunately, until now the quality of education in Indonesia has not been equitable. We can not equate the quality of education in Papua and in Surabaya. Or, Kalimantan Bandung or comparison with others. In fact, in one province alone, the quality of one school with another school very much difference. Therefore, we can understand in a certain college students only from a particular school too, because here the quality of the primary.
In the national exam (UN), which had lasted for high school and junior high level, just recently, we certainly have touched to hear the principal involvement of leaking the answers to the UN. Leak the answers to the UN chief made the school, because they do not want many children who do not pass the national examination students, so the school has declined so its image in the eyes of society.
What does the head as if it should open our eyes all that there are efforts to cover the depravity of the quality of education by people who should be the leader in improving education quality. Undertaken by the principal who leaked examination answers to these questions will make the quality of education in Indonesia is worse off. Moreover, if it is done by the school principal in an area that is still very low quality of education. As a result, the quality of education will decrease.
Facing today's globalization era, we must realize the quality of the Indonesian nation must continue to improve. If not, then foreign workers will rule our country. They will occupy important positions, while Indonesia only as a regular employee.
Low quality of education that make this nation can not afford to compete with other nations. Obviously, we do not want this nation can not compete with other nations. The quality of education in this country do not we let the drowning just because the school wanted to maintain their prestige by giving the UN leaked exam questions to the students. Providing proper education alone does not necessarily improve the quality of school students, let alone teach them to cheat, just to name the school. Make a school known for its quality, not because of successful graduate students in quantity, but quality is low.
Not yet dry saliva we are talking about a nation that at the end of civilization raises the multidimensional crisis hit this country, to make us realize that so far we are away from character education. Character education is very important for people who claim this polite, courteous walau.sesungguhnya distant from essence. Let's take a moment to extend his eyes staring straight ahead, how many are actually punished law enforcement, how many public servants who actually asked to be served. This is all a result of character education is neglected.
Due to lack of character education, do not be surprised if policy makers, always take a policy that is not wise, especially duping the public is also exhibited systematically by their prospective policy makers. And not infrequently the majority of our society are still swayed by promises of the candidates if they are elected policy makers then life will be better for everyone.
Indeed the question above, starting from the dienyam education in school in Indonesia is far from the character of the nation. Party government as education policy makers and other educators as policy implementers have not taught him many important lessons about the character to their students.
According to the authors, in implementing character education, most primary schools must be taught to all students is the spirit to go forward which is marked by a passion for learning. Schools should have warned his students that their lives as individuals or as a society will never achieve meaningful progress if they do not strive to constantly learn new things and work hard to get what they dreamed of.
Reality is there for precisely this fact far from the fire and make us "ngelus chest" (kebangeten: borrow the words of my mother). Mental co-opted most of the policy makers of our society, that want to get things the easy way. Therefore, we often forget all the rules and justifies every means, no matter violate rules and norms. long as I can achieve anything the easy way, "why not", Sad to hear it.
The above condition is marked by cheating behaviors while letting the UN and to continue corruption and collusive behavior in the workplace. Our nation is longing for the life of the country like a thousand and one nights, where a "lamp light" to solving any problem. Unlike other nations where education is needed to work hard, never give up in despair do not know, and that was instilled from an early age. The parents and teachers, hand in hand to train the children to their nations to be independent, responsible, and solve their own problems.
So welcome from me, hopefully the momentum Education Day implementation of character education. If there is in the delivery kesalahnan I apologize. Thank you.
Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Senin, 07 Juni 2010
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