Assalaamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Selamat siang,
Yang terhormat Kepala Sekolah SD Blado 1, Muchalidin.
Yang terhormat Wakil Kepala Sekolah SD Blado 1 Hadi Sumitro.
Yang terhormat guru-guru SD Blado 1.
Beserta seluruh murid SD Blado 1 yang berbahagia.
Yang terhormat guru-guru Bapak dan Ibu dewanjuri.
Marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur ke hadirat Illahi Robbi, Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang, yang telah memberikan kesempatan kepada kita untuk melaksanakan acara ini dalam rangka Peringatan Hari Pendidikan Nasional (Hardiknas). Marilah keempatan yang baik ini kita gunakan pula untuk menjalin kebersamaan di sekolah yang kita cintai ini.
Hadirin yang saya hormati!
Setiap tanggal 2 Mei diperingati sebagai Hari Pendidikan Nasional, yang sering disingkat dengan Hardiknas. Untuk tahun ini Hardiknas mengambil tema Pendidikan Sains, Teknologi dan Seni Menjamin Pembangunan Berkelanjutan dan Meningkatkan Daya Saing Bangsa.
Tanggal 2 Mei adalah hari kelahiran Ki Hajar Dewantara, yang lahir di Yogyakarta tanggal 2 Mei 1889. Ki Hajar Dewantara adalah aktivis pergerakan kemerdekaan Indonesia dan pendiri Perguruan Taman Siswa. Lembaga pendidikan yang didirikannya itu merupakan tempat bagi pribumi untuk mendapatkan pendidikan seperti yang diperoleh para priayi serta masyarakat Belanda di Indonesia.
Melihat tema yang ditampilkan pada Hardiknas kali ini, kita sebenarnya bangga dengan keberhasilan anak-anak bangsa yaitu teman-teman kita yang telah banyak meraih medali emas dalam berbagai olimpiade sains di luar negeri. Anak-anak Indonesia tidak kalah dan bahkan sering menjadi yang terbaik dalam setiap olimpiade sains yang diselenggarakan oleh masyarakat internasional.
Sayangnya, hingga saat ini mutu pendidikan di Indonesia belum merata. Kita tidak mungkin bisa menyamakan kualitas pendidikan di Papua dengan di Surabaya. Atau, Kalimantan dengan Bandung atau perbandingan lainnya. Bahkan, dalam satu provinsi saja, kualitas satu sekolah dengan sekolah lainnya sangat jauh perbedaannya. Oleh karena itu, kita bisa maklum di perguruan tinggi tertentu mahasiswanya hanya berasal dari sekolah tertentu pula, karena di sini kualitas menjadi yang utama.
Dalam ujian nasional (UN) yang sudah berlangsung belum lama ini, tentunya kita terenyuh mendengar ada pihak yang membocorkan jawaban soal UN. Pembocoran jawaban soal UN dilakukan kepala sekolah, karena tidak ingin banyak anak didiknya yang tidak lulus UN, sehingga sekolah tersebut turun citranya di mata masyarakat. Siswa pun juga saling mencontek untuk bisa lolos dari UN.
Apa yang dilakukan orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab ini dalam membocorkan soal UN ini seharusnya membuka mata kita semua bahwa ada upaya-upaya menutupi kebobrokan mutu pendidikan oleh orang-orang yang seharusnya menjadi orang terdepan dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Yang dilakukan para kepala sekolah yang membocorkan jawaban soal UN tersebut tentunya akan membuat kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia semakin terpuruk. Apalagi, jika hal itu dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah di daerah yang kualitas pendidikannya pendidikannya masih sangat rendah. Akibatnya, kualitas pendidikan akan semakin turun.
Menghadapi era globalisasi seperti sekarang ini, kita harus sadar kualitas bangsa Indonesia harus semakin ditingkatkan. Jika tidak, maka pekerja-pekerja asing akan menguasai negeri kita. Mereka akan menduduki posisi-posisi penting, sementara orang Indonesia hanya sebagai karyawan biasa.
Kualitas pendidikan yang rendah membuat bangsa ini tidak mampu bersaing dengan bangsa lain. Tentunya, kita tidak ingin bangsa ini kalah bersaing dengan bangsa lain. Kualitas pendidikan di negeri ini jangan kita biarkan terpuruk hanya karena ingin menjaga gengsi sekolah dengan memberikan bocoran soal ujian UN kepada para murid. Memberikan pendidikan yang benar saja belum tentu meningkatkan kualitas murid sekolah, apalagi mengajari mereka berbuat curang, hanya demi nama sekolah. Buatlah nama sekolah terkenal karena mutunya, bukan karena berhasil meluluskan muridnya dalam jumlah banyak, padahal kualitasnya rendah.
Dalam Peringatan Hardiknas kali ini, ada tiga makna yang dapat kita gali. Pertama, Hardiknas sebagai hari untuk merenungkan perjalanan panjang yang telah dilalui terkait dengan cita-cita pendidikan nasional dalam mencerdaskan bangsa. Kedua, Hardiknas merupakan hari untuk introspeksi diri terhadap dunia pendidikan kita di Indonesia tercinta. Ketiga, Hardiknas memberikan peluang kepada kita untuk mempersiapkan pendidikan yang lebih baik.
Hardiknas yang juga mengangkat tema “Pendidikan Karakter untuk Membangun Peradaban Bangsa”. Tema itu tidak hanya tentang perubahan-perubahanan yang terjadi pada kehidupan bangsa ini, tetapi juga sudah sesuai dengan cita-cita Ki Hajar Dewantoro, bahwa pendidikan merupakan upaya untuk memajukan tumbuhnya budi pekerti, pikiran, dan pertumbuhan kita sebagai anak muda penerus generasi bangsa.
Hadirin yang saya hormati!
Marilah Hardiknas ini kita maknai dalam konteks kehidupan kita sebagai pelajar, di sekolah masing-masing yang tercinta pastimya dan menjadi kebanggaan masyarakatnya. Kita harus mengakui bahwa negara kita telah berjuang keras untuk menata dan membangun diri dalam pendidikan khususnya. Tetapi, kita sadar bahwa masih banyak yang harus dibenahi untuk menuju dunia pendidikan yang kita idamkan. Dunia pendidikan yang kita idamkan itu secara global merupakan tanggung jawab kita bersama sebagai insan pelajar di Indonesia tercinta ini. Karena itu, perkenankanlah saya mengajak Bapak-bapak, Ibu-ibu, dan Hadirin sekalian untuk memahami kondisi-kondisi dunia pendidikan kita dari segi kekurangan dan kelebihannya. Dengan pemahaman itu, marilah kita berpartisipasi secara optimal sesuai dengan posisi dan peran kita masing-masing.
Para Hadirin, sebenarnya diri kita sedang membangun citra. Untuk itu, penguatan kapasitas diperlukan untuk meningkatkan layanan yang berkualitas dan memadai merupakan kunci utama keberhasilan membangun citra pendidikan kita di Indonesia ini. Pada dasarnya, peningkatan kapasitas kelembagaan itu terfokus sarana dan prasarana yang harus disediakan.
Ki Hajar Dewantara seorang tokoh pendidikan Indonesia yang memprakarsai berdirinya lembaga pendidikan Taman siswa. Dia lebih terkenal dengan filsafat” tut wuri handayani, hing madya mangun karsa, hing ngarso sung tulada
Selama bersekolah, kami sebagai siswa sangat bangga dan berterima kasih dengan semua guru yang telah mengajar di sekolah ini, yang dengan sangat baik, tidak pernah pilih kasih dalam mendidik, sangat sabar dan tidak kenal lelah dalam membimbing kami. Berkat jerih payah semua guru, kami pun dapat belajar di SD kita tercinta ini.
Biar bagaimanapun guru adalah pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa dan tanpa pamrih yang merupakan tonggak utama dalam terciptanya dunia pendidikan. Hendaknya penghormatan yang besar kita tujukan kepada pahlawan-pahlawan kita tersebut. Tidak lupa pila peran serta orang tua sebagai guru kita secara tidak langsung dalam terwujudnya pendidikan keluarga yang baik sebagai dasar atau pondasi utama untuk membangun pendidikan yang di dapat di sekolah masing-masing yang bersumber dari guru kita. Maka sudah selayaknya kita sebagai anak yang taat pada kedua orang tua menghormati dan menghargai mereka yang telah mendidik kita dengan sabar di rumah, sama seperti para guru kita di sekolah. Pendidikan diperlukan kerja keras, pantang menyerah tidak mengenal putus asa, dan itu sudah ditanamkan sejak usia dini. Para orangtua dan guru, bahu membahu melatih anak-anak bangsa mereka untuk bisa mandiri, bertanggungjawab, dan memecahkan masalah mereka sendiri.
Dengan taat pada mereka serta mau belajar dengan keras, rajin, tekun, serta ulet maka kita sebagai anak muda penerus generasi bangsa diharapkan mampu untuk mewujudkan dunia pendidikan kita agar bisa berubah ke arah yang lebih baik dari sekarang tentunya. Semoga dengan meningkatnya kualitas pendidikan kita, maka derajat kita bangsa Indonesia bisa terangkat di mata dunia.
Mudah-mudahan semua guru yang bertugas mengajar di sekolah ini dapat diberikan kesehatan yang baik dan diberi kebahagiaan selalu.
Akhir kata sampai disini, semoga bangsa Indonesia lebih meningkatkan dan mencerdaskan serta menciptakan anak-anak didik kreatif yang berguna bagi bangsa dan negara. Saya mau mengucapkan sukses selalu buat teman2, doa saya menyertai teman2 semua...
Demikian Saudara-saudara. Atas perhatian Saudara-saudara untuk menghadiri upacara ini saya sampaikan terima kasih. Mohon maaf sekiranya ada kesalahan. Mudah-mudahan Tuhan senantiasa bersama kita. Amin.
Wassalaamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Assalaamu 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Good afternoon,
Dear Elementary School Principal Blado 1, Muchalidin.
Dear Vice Principal Primary Blado a Sumitro Hadi.
Dear Elementary School teachers Blado 1.
And all primary school pupils are happy Blado 1.
Dear teachers Mr. and Mrs. dewanjuri.
Let us praise praise to the divine presence Robbi, God the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, who has given us the opportunity to conduct this event in the framework of the National Education Day (Education Day). Keempatan Let us use this good also to establish unity in our beloved school.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Each dated May 2 is celebrated as National Education Day, which is often abbreviated as Education Day. For this year's Education Day takes the theme of Education Science, Technology and the Arts Ensure Sustainable Development and Enhancing Competitiveness Nations.
Dated May 2 is the birthday of Ki Hajar Dewantara, who was born in Yogyakarta on May 2, 1889. Ki Hajar Dewantara is the Indonesian independence movement activist and founder of College Student Park. Establishment of institutions that are home to native to get an education as well priayi obtained the Dutch community in Indonesia.
See displayed on the Education Day theme this time, we're actually proud of the success of the nation's children are our friends who have won many Olympic gold medals in a variety of science abroad. Indonesian children do not lose and even often be the best in each Science Olympiad organized by the international community.
Unfortunately, until now the quality of education in Indonesia has not been equitable. We can not equate the quality of education in Papua and in Surabaya. Or, Kalimantan Bandung or comparison with others. In fact, in one province alone, the quality of one school with another school very much difference. Therefore, we can understand in a certain college students only from a particular school too, because here the quality of the primary.
In the national exam (UN) which has lasted not long ago, of course, we touched to hear there are parties who leaked examination answers. Leak the answers to the UN chief made the school, because they do not want a lot of their students did not pass the examination, so that the school has declined so its image in the eyes of society. Students were also cheated on each other to get away from the UN.
What do people who are not responsible for the leak about the UN This was supposed to open our eyes all that there are efforts to cover the depravity of the quality of education by people who should be the leader in improving education quality. Undertaken by the principal who leaked examination answers to these questions will make the quality of education in Indonesia is worse off. Moreover, if it is done by the school principal in the areas of education quality education is still very low. As a result, the quality of education will decrease.
Facing today's globalization era, we must realize the quality of the Indonesian nation must continue to improve. If not, then foreign workers will rule our country. They will occupy important positions, while Indonesia only as a regular employee.
Low quality of education that make this nation can not afford to compete with other nations. Obviously, we do not want this nation can not compete with other nations. The quality of education in this country do not we let the drowning just because the school wanted to maintain their prestige by giving the UN leaked exam questions to the students. Providing proper education alone does not necessarily improve the quality of school students, let alone teach them to cheat, just to name the school. Make a school known for its quality, not because of successful graduate students in quantity, but quality is low.
In Memorial Education Day this time, there are three meanings that we can dig. First, the Education Day as a day to contemplate the long journey that has been passed related to the ideals of national education in the nation. Second, the Education Day is a day for introspection on our education in Indonesia beloved. Third, the Education Day provides an opportunity for us to prepare better education.
Education Day is also the theme of "Character Education for Developing Nations Civilization." The theme is not just about perubahanan changes that occurred in the life of this nation, but also is in conformity with the ideals of Ki Hajar Dewantoro, that education is an effort to promote the growth of character, mind, and our growth as a successor generation of young people.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Let us maknai Education Day this in the context of our life as a student, at their respective schools pastimya beloved and become the pride of the society. We must acknowledge that our country has struggled to organize and establish themselves in education in particular. However, we realize that there is still much that must be addressed toward the education that we desire. Educational world that we desire it globally is our responsibility as individuals in Indonesia this beloved student. Therefore, let me ask gentlemen, Ladies, and Ladies and Gentlemen to understand the conditions of our education in terms of shortage and excess. With that understanding, let us participate in an optimal fit with the position and role of each of us.
The attendees, in fact we are building self-image. To that end, strengthening the capacity needed to improve service quality and adequate is the main key of success to build the image of our education in Indonesia. Basically, it focused on institutional capacity building and infrastructure facilities should be provided.
Ki Hajar Dewantara a character education in Indonesia, who initiated the establishment of educational institutions Park students. He is more famous for its philosophy of "tut wuri handayani, until middle Mangun intention, until ngarso sung tulada
During school, we as students are very proud and grateful to all teachers who have taught at this school, which is very good, never favoritism in educating, very patient and indefatigable in guiding us. Thanks to the efforts of all teachers, we too can learn at our beloved school.
After all teachers are unsung heroes and selfless which is a major milestone in the creation of the world of education. Respect should be addressed to our great heroes we are. Pila not forget the role of parents as teachers we are not directly in the realization of a good family education as a basis or foundation to build a major in education can at each school that comes from our teachers. It is only fitting that we as children obey their parents to respect and appreciate those who have patiently educating us at home, just like our teachers at school. Education is needed to work hard, never give up in despair do not know, and that was instilled from an early age. The parents and teachers, hand in hand to train the children to their nations to be independent, responsible, and solve their own problems.
By adhering to them and want to study hard, diligent, industrious, and resilient then we as a successor generation of young people expected to be able to realize our education to be changed for the better from now on course. Hopefully with the increasing quality of our education, then the degree we can lift the Indonesian nation in the eyes of the world.
I hope all the teachers in charge of teaching at this school can be given good health and happiness always given.
Finally, I hope the Indonesian people to improve and achieve more and create children's creative students that are useful for the nation. I would say success is always made teman2, my prayer is with teman2 all ...
Likewise gentlemen. Gentlemen your attention to attend this ceremony I would like to thank you. We apologize if there was an error. I hope God is always with us. Amen.
Wassalaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Selasa, 08 Juni 2010
Senin, 07 Juni 2010
DATE 3 MEI 2010
Assalaamu 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Let us praise praise the presence of Almighty God, who has given us the opportunity to implement the National Education Day Commemoration Ceremony (Education Day). At this opportunity we also use to hold a family friendship colleagues at our beloved institution.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Each dated May 2 is celebrated as National Education Day, which is often abbreviated as Education Day. For this year's Education Day takes the theme of Education Science, Technology and the Arts Ensure Sustainable Development and Enhancing Competitiveness Nations.
Dated May 2 is the birthday of Ki Hajar Dewantara, who was born in Yogyakarta on May 2, 1889. Ki Hajar Dewantara is the Indonesian independence movement activist and founder of College Student Park. Establishment of institutions that are home to native to get an education as well priayi obtained the Dutch community in Indonesia.
See displayed on the Education Day theme this time, we're actually proud of the success of the nation's children who have won many Olympic gold medals in a variety of science abroad. Indonesian children do not lose and even often be the best in each Science Olympiad held various international bodies.
Unfortunately, until now the quality of education in Indonesia has not been equitable. We can not equate the quality of education in Papua and in Surabaya. Or, Kalimantan Bandung or comparison with others. In fact, in one province alone, the quality of one school with another school very much difference. Therefore, we can understand in a certain college students only from a particular school too, because here the quality of the primary.
In the national exam (UN), which had lasted for high school and junior high level, just recently, we certainly have touched to hear the principal involvement of leaking the answers to the UN. Leak the answers to the UN chief made the school, because they do not want many children who do not pass the national examination students, so the school has declined so its image in the eyes of society.
What does the head as if it should open our eyes all that there are efforts to cover the depravity of the quality of education by people who should be the leader in improving education quality. Undertaken by the principal who leaked examination answers to these questions will make the quality of education in Indonesia is worse off. Moreover, if it is done by the school principal in an area that is still very low quality of education. As a result, the quality of education will decrease.
Facing today's globalization era, we must realize the quality of the Indonesian nation must continue to improve. If not, then foreign workers will rule our country. They will occupy important positions, while Indonesia only as a regular employee.
Low quality of education that make this nation can not afford to compete with other nations. Obviously, we do not want this nation can not compete with other nations. The quality of education in this country do not we let the drowning just because the school wanted to maintain their prestige by giving the UN leaked exam questions to the students. Providing proper education alone does not necessarily improve the quality of school students, let alone teach them to cheat, just to name the school. Make a school known for its quality, not because of successful graduate students in quantity, but quality is low.
Not yet dry saliva we are talking about a nation that at the end of civilization raises the multidimensional crisis hit this country, to make us realize that so far we are away from character education. Character education is very important for people who claim this polite, courteous walau.sesungguhnya distant from essence. Let's take a moment to extend his eyes staring straight ahead, how many are actually punished law enforcement, how many public servants who actually asked to be served. This is all a result of character education is neglected.
Due to lack of character education, do not be surprised if policy makers, always take a policy that is not wise, especially duping the public is also exhibited systematically by their prospective policy makers. And not infrequently the majority of our society are still swayed by promises of the candidates if they are elected policy makers then life will be better for everyone.
Indeed the question above, starting from the dienyam education in school in Indonesia is far from the character of the nation. Party government as education policy makers and other educators as policy implementers have not taught him many important lessons about the character to their students.
According to the authors, in implementing character education, most primary schools must be taught to all students is the spirit to go forward which is marked by a passion for learning. Schools should have warned his students that their lives as individuals or as a society will never achieve meaningful progress if they do not strive to constantly learn new things and work hard to get what they dreamed of.
Reality is there for precisely this fact far from the fire and make us "ngelus chest" (kebangeten: borrow the words of my mother). Mental co-opted most of the policy makers of our society, that want to get things the easy way. Therefore, we often forget all the rules and justifies every means, no matter violate rules and norms. long as I can achieve anything the easy way, "why not", Sad to hear it.
The above condition is marked by cheating behaviors while letting the UN and to continue corruption and collusive behavior in the workplace. Our nation is longing for the life of the country like a thousand and one nights, where a "lamp light" to solving any problem. Unlike other nations where education is needed to work hard, never give up in despair do not know, and that was instilled from an early age. The parents and teachers, hand in hand to train the children to their nations to be independent, responsible, and solve their own problems.
So welcome from me, hopefully the momentum Education Day implementation of character education. If there is in the delivery kesalahnan I apologize. Thank you.
Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
DATE 3 MEI 2010
Assalaamu 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Let us praise praise the presence of Almighty God, who has given us the opportunity to implement the National Education Day Commemoration Ceremony (Education Day). At this opportunity we also use to hold a family friendship colleagues at our beloved institution.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Each dated May 2 is celebrated as National Education Day, which is often abbreviated as Education Day. For this year's Education Day takes the theme of Education Science, Technology and the Arts Ensure Sustainable Development and Enhancing Competitiveness Nations.
Dated May 2 is the birthday of Ki Hajar Dewantara, who was born in Yogyakarta on May 2, 1889. Ki Hajar Dewantara is the Indonesian independence movement activist and founder of College Student Park. Establishment of institutions that are home to native to get an education as well priayi obtained the Dutch community in Indonesia.
See displayed on the Education Day theme this time, we're actually proud of the success of the nation's children who have won many Olympic gold medals in a variety of science abroad. Indonesian children do not lose and even often be the best in each Science Olympiad held various international bodies.
Unfortunately, until now the quality of education in Indonesia has not been equitable. We can not equate the quality of education in Papua and in Surabaya. Or, Kalimantan Bandung or comparison with others. In fact, in one province alone, the quality of one school with another school very much difference. Therefore, we can understand in a certain college students only from a particular school too, because here the quality of the primary.
In the national exam (UN), which had lasted for high school and junior high level, just recently, we certainly have touched to hear the principal involvement of leaking the answers to the UN. Leak the answers to the UN chief made the school, because they do not want many children who do not pass the national examination students, so the school has declined so its image in the eyes of society.
What does the head as if it should open our eyes all that there are efforts to cover the depravity of the quality of education by people who should be the leader in improving education quality. Undertaken by the principal who leaked examination answers to these questions will make the quality of education in Indonesia is worse off. Moreover, if it is done by the school principal in an area that is still very low quality of education. As a result, the quality of education will decrease.
Facing today's globalization era, we must realize the quality of the Indonesian nation must continue to improve. If not, then foreign workers will rule our country. They will occupy important positions, while Indonesia only as a regular employee.
Low quality of education that make this nation can not afford to compete with other nations. Obviously, we do not want this nation can not compete with other nations. The quality of education in this country do not we let the drowning just because the school wanted to maintain their prestige by giving the UN leaked exam questions to the students. Providing proper education alone does not necessarily improve the quality of school students, let alone teach them to cheat, just to name the school. Make a school known for its quality, not because of successful graduate students in quantity, but quality is low.
Not yet dry saliva we are talking about a nation that at the end of civilization raises the multidimensional crisis hit this country, to make us realize that so far we are away from character education. Character education is very important for people who claim this polite, courteous walau.sesungguhnya distant from essence. Let's take a moment to extend his eyes staring straight ahead, how many are actually punished law enforcement, how many public servants who actually asked to be served. This is all a result of character education is neglected.
Due to lack of character education, do not be surprised if policy makers, always take a policy that is not wise, especially duping the public is also exhibited systematically by their prospective policy makers. And not infrequently the majority of our society are still swayed by promises of the candidates if they are elected policy makers then life will be better for everyone.
Indeed the question above, starting from the dienyam education in school in Indonesia is far from the character of the nation. Party government as education policy makers and other educators as policy implementers have not taught him many important lessons about the character to their students.
According to the authors, in implementing character education, most primary schools must be taught to all students is the spirit to go forward which is marked by a passion for learning. Schools should have warned his students that their lives as individuals or as a society will never achieve meaningful progress if they do not strive to constantly learn new things and work hard to get what they dreamed of.
Reality is there for precisely this fact far from the fire and make us "ngelus chest" (kebangeten: borrow the words of my mother). Mental co-opted most of the policy makers of our society, that want to get things the easy way. Therefore, we often forget all the rules and justifies every means, no matter violate rules and norms. long as I can achieve anything the easy way, "why not", Sad to hear it.
The above condition is marked by cheating behaviors while letting the UN and to continue corruption and collusive behavior in the workplace. Our nation is longing for the life of the country like a thousand and one nights, where a "lamp light" to solving any problem. Unlike other nations where education is needed to work hard, never give up in despair do not know, and that was instilled from an early age. The parents and teachers, hand in hand to train the children to their nations to be independent, responsible, and solve their own problems.
So welcome from me, hopefully the momentum Education Day implementation of character education. If there is in the delivery kesalahnan I apologize. Thank you.
Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Assalaamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, yang telah memberikan kesempatan kepada kita untuk melaksanakan Upacara Peringatan Hari Pendidikan Nasional (Hardiknas). Pada kesempatan yang baik ini kita gunakan pula untuk mengadakan silaturahim kekeluargaan sejawat di lembaga yang kita cintai ini.
Hadirin yang saya hormati!
Setiap tanggal 2 Mei diperingati sebagai Hari Pendidikan Nasional, yang sering disingkat dengan Hardiknas. Untuk tahun ini Hardiknas mengambil tema Pendidikan Sains, Teknologi dan Seni Menjamin Pembangunan Berkelanjutan dan Meningkatkan Daya Saing Bangsa.
Tanggal 2 Mei adalah hari kelahiran Ki Hajar Dewantara, yang lahir di Yogyakarta tanggal 2 Mei 1889. Ki Hajar Dewantara adalah aktivis pergerakan kemerdekaan Indonesia dan pendiri Perguruan Taman Siswa. Lembaga pendidikan yang didirikannya itu merupakan tempat bagi pribumi untuk mendapatkan pendidikan seperti yang diperoleh para priayi serta masyarakat Belanda di Indonesia.
Melihat tema yang ditampilkan pada Hardiknas kali ini, kita sebenarnya bangga dengan keberhasilan anak-anak bangsa yang telah banyak meraih medali emas dalam berbagai olimpiade sains di luar negeri. Anak-anak Indonesia tidak kalah dan bahkan sering menjadi yang terbaik dalam setiap olimpiade sains yang diselenggarakan berbagai badan internasional.
Sayangnya, hingga saat ini mutu pendidikan di Indonesia belum merata. Kita tidak mungkin bisa menyamakan kualitas pendidikan di Papua dengan di Surabaya. Atau, Kalimantan dengan Bandung atau perbandingan lainnya. Bahkan, dalam satu provinsi saja, kualitas satu sekolah dengan sekolah lainnya sangat jauh perbedaannya. Oleh karena itu, kita bisa maklum di perguruan tinggi tertentu mahasiswanya hanya berasal dari sekolah tertentu pula, karena di sini kualitas menjadi yang utama.
Dalam ujian nasional (UN) yang sudah berlangsung untuk tingkat SMA dan SMP, belum lama ini, tentunya kita terenyuh mendengar ada keterlibatan kepala sekolah yang membocorkan jawaban soal UN. Pembocoran jawaban soal UN dilakukan kepala sekolah, karena tidak ingin banyak anak didiknya yang tidak lulus UN, sehingga sekolah tersebut turun citranya di mata masyarakat.
Apa yang dilakukan kepala seolah ini seharusnya membuka mata kita semua bahwa ada upaya-upaya menutupi kebobrokan mutu pendidikan oleh orang-orang yang seharusnya menjadi orang terdepan dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Yang dilakukan para kepala sekolah yang membocorkan jawaban soal UN tersebut tentunya akan membuat kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia semakin terpuruk. Apalagi, jika hal itu dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah di daerah yang kualitas pendidikannya masih sangat rendah. Akibatnya, kualitas pendidikan akan semakin turun.
Menghadapi era globalisasi seperti sekarang ini, kita harus sadar kualitas bangsa Indonesia harus semakin ditingkatkan. Jika tidak, maka pekerja-pekerja asing akan menguasai negeri kita. Mereka akan menduduki posisi-posisi penting, sementara orang Indonesia hanya sebagai karyawan biasa.
Kualitas pendidikan yang rendah membuat bangsa ini tidak mampu bersaing dengan bangsa lain. Tentunya, kita tidak ingin bangsa ini kalah bersaing dengan bangsa lain. Kualitas pendidikan di negeri ini jangan kita biarkan terpuruk hanya karena ingin menjaga gengsi sekolah dengan memberikan bocoran soal ujian UN kepada para murid. Memberikan pendidikan yang benar saja belum tentu meningkatkan kualitas murid sekolah, apalagi mengajari mereka berbuat curang, hanya demi nama sekolah. Buatlah nama sekolah terkenal karena mutunya, bukan karena berhasil meluluskan muridnya dalam jumlah banyak, padahal kualitasnya rendah.
Belum kering ludah kita berbicara tentang peradaban bangsa yang pada ujungnya menimbulkan krisis multidimensi melanda negara ini, hingga membuat kita sadar bahwa selama ini kita memang jauh dari pendidikan karakter. Pendidikan karakter sangat penting bagi bangsa yang mengaku santun ini, walau.sesungguhnya jauh dari essensi santun. Mari kita melebarkan mata sejenak untuk menatap lurus ke depan, berapa banyak penegak hukum yang justru dihukum, berapa banyak pelayan publik yang justru minta dilayani. Ini semua akibat dari pendidikan karakter yang terabaikan.
Akibat tidak adanya pendidikan karakter, tidak heran bila pengambil kebijakan, selalu mengambil kebijakan yang tidak bijak, apalagi pembodohan masyarakat juga dipamerkan secara sistematis oleh mereka calon pengambil kebijakan. Dan tidak jarang sebagian besar masyarakat kita masih terbuai dengan janji-janji para calon pengambil kebijakan jika mereka terpilih maka kehidupan akan lebih baik untuk semua orang.
Sesungguhnya permasalahan tersebut diatas dimulai dari pendidikan yang dienyam di bangku sekolah di Indonesia jauh dari karakter bangsa. Pihak pemerintah selaku pembuat kebijakan pendidikan dan pihak tenaga pendidik selaku pelaksana kebijakan belum mengajarkan banyak pelajaran penting soal karakter kepada anak didiknya.
Menurut penulis, dalam melaksanakan pendidikan karakter, paling utama yang sekolah harus ajarkan ke semua peserta didik adalah semangat untuk maju yang ditandai dengan semangat untuk belajar. Sekolah semestinya memperingatkan para peserta didik bahwa hidup mereka sebagai individu ataupun sebagai masyarakat tidak akan pernah mencapai kemajuan berarti bila mereka tidak berusaha keras untuk senantiasa belajar hal-hal baru dan bekerja giat untuk mendapatkan apa yang mereka impikan.
Realita yang ada selama ini justru malah jauh panggang dari api dan membuat kita “ngelus dada” (kebangeten : meminjam kata-kata ibu saya). Mental sebagian besar masyarakat kita terkooptasi pengambil kebijakan, yaitu ingin mendapatkan sesuatu dengan cara yang mudah. Oleh karena itu seringkali kita melupakan segala aturan main dan menghalalkan segala cara, tak peduli melanggar aturan dan norma. selama bisa mencapai segala sesuatu dengan cara mudah, “why not”, miris mendengarnya.
Hal tersebut diatas ditandai dengan pembiaran perilaku mencontek saat UN dan berlanjut dengan perilaku korupsi dan kolusi di dunia kerja. Bangsa kita sangat mendambakan kehidupan bak negeri seribu satu malam, dimana sebuah “lampu aladin” menjadi pemecahan segala masalah. Tidak seperti bangsa lain dimana pendidikan diperlukan kerja keras, pantang menyerah tidak mengenal putus asa, dan itu sudah ditanamkan sejak usia dini. Para orangtua dan guru, bahu membahu melatih anak-anak bangsa mereka untuk bisa mandiri, bertanggungjawab, dan memecahkan masalah mereka sendiri.
Demikian sambutan dari saya, semoga Hardiknas menjadi momentum terlaksananya pendidikan karakter. Apabila ada kesalahnan dalam penyampaian saya mohon maaf. Terimakasih.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Assalaamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, yang telah memberikan kesempatan kepada kita untuk melaksanakan Upacara Peringatan Hari Pendidikan Nasional (Hardiknas). Pada kesempatan yang baik ini kita gunakan pula untuk mengadakan silaturahim kekeluargaan sejawat di lembaga yang kita cintai ini.
Hadirin yang saya hormati!
Setiap tanggal 2 Mei diperingati sebagai Hari Pendidikan Nasional, yang sering disingkat dengan Hardiknas. Untuk tahun ini Hardiknas mengambil tema Pendidikan Sains, Teknologi dan Seni Menjamin Pembangunan Berkelanjutan dan Meningkatkan Daya Saing Bangsa.
Tanggal 2 Mei adalah hari kelahiran Ki Hajar Dewantara, yang lahir di Yogyakarta tanggal 2 Mei 1889. Ki Hajar Dewantara adalah aktivis pergerakan kemerdekaan Indonesia dan pendiri Perguruan Taman Siswa. Lembaga pendidikan yang didirikannya itu merupakan tempat bagi pribumi untuk mendapatkan pendidikan seperti yang diperoleh para priayi serta masyarakat Belanda di Indonesia.
Melihat tema yang ditampilkan pada Hardiknas kali ini, kita sebenarnya bangga dengan keberhasilan anak-anak bangsa yang telah banyak meraih medali emas dalam berbagai olimpiade sains di luar negeri. Anak-anak Indonesia tidak kalah dan bahkan sering menjadi yang terbaik dalam setiap olimpiade sains yang diselenggarakan berbagai badan internasional.
Sayangnya, hingga saat ini mutu pendidikan di Indonesia belum merata. Kita tidak mungkin bisa menyamakan kualitas pendidikan di Papua dengan di Surabaya. Atau, Kalimantan dengan Bandung atau perbandingan lainnya. Bahkan, dalam satu provinsi saja, kualitas satu sekolah dengan sekolah lainnya sangat jauh perbedaannya. Oleh karena itu, kita bisa maklum di perguruan tinggi tertentu mahasiswanya hanya berasal dari sekolah tertentu pula, karena di sini kualitas menjadi yang utama.
Dalam ujian nasional (UN) yang sudah berlangsung untuk tingkat SMA dan SMP, belum lama ini, tentunya kita terenyuh mendengar ada keterlibatan kepala sekolah yang membocorkan jawaban soal UN. Pembocoran jawaban soal UN dilakukan kepala sekolah, karena tidak ingin banyak anak didiknya yang tidak lulus UN, sehingga sekolah tersebut turun citranya di mata masyarakat.
Apa yang dilakukan kepala seolah ini seharusnya membuka mata kita semua bahwa ada upaya-upaya menutupi kebobrokan mutu pendidikan oleh orang-orang yang seharusnya menjadi orang terdepan dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Yang dilakukan para kepala sekolah yang membocorkan jawaban soal UN tersebut tentunya akan membuat kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia semakin terpuruk. Apalagi, jika hal itu dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah di daerah yang kualitas pendidikannya masih sangat rendah. Akibatnya, kualitas pendidikan akan semakin turun.
Menghadapi era globalisasi seperti sekarang ini, kita harus sadar kualitas bangsa Indonesia harus semakin ditingkatkan. Jika tidak, maka pekerja-pekerja asing akan menguasai negeri kita. Mereka akan menduduki posisi-posisi penting, sementara orang Indonesia hanya sebagai karyawan biasa.
Kualitas pendidikan yang rendah membuat bangsa ini tidak mampu bersaing dengan bangsa lain. Tentunya, kita tidak ingin bangsa ini kalah bersaing dengan bangsa lain. Kualitas pendidikan di negeri ini jangan kita biarkan terpuruk hanya karena ingin menjaga gengsi sekolah dengan memberikan bocoran soal ujian UN kepada para murid. Memberikan pendidikan yang benar saja belum tentu meningkatkan kualitas murid sekolah, apalagi mengajari mereka berbuat curang, hanya demi nama sekolah. Buatlah nama sekolah terkenal karena mutunya, bukan karena berhasil meluluskan muridnya dalam jumlah banyak, padahal kualitasnya rendah.
Belum kering ludah kita berbicara tentang peradaban bangsa yang pada ujungnya menimbulkan krisis multidimensi melanda negara ini, hingga membuat kita sadar bahwa selama ini kita memang jauh dari pendidikan karakter. Pendidikan karakter sangat penting bagi bangsa yang mengaku santun ini, walau.sesungguhnya jauh dari essensi santun. Mari kita melebarkan mata sejenak untuk menatap lurus ke depan, berapa banyak penegak hukum yang justru dihukum, berapa banyak pelayan publik yang justru minta dilayani. Ini semua akibat dari pendidikan karakter yang terabaikan.
Akibat tidak adanya pendidikan karakter, tidak heran bila pengambil kebijakan, selalu mengambil kebijakan yang tidak bijak, apalagi pembodohan masyarakat juga dipamerkan secara sistematis oleh mereka calon pengambil kebijakan. Dan tidak jarang sebagian besar masyarakat kita masih terbuai dengan janji-janji para calon pengambil kebijakan jika mereka terpilih maka kehidupan akan lebih baik untuk semua orang.
Sesungguhnya permasalahan tersebut diatas dimulai dari pendidikan yang dienyam di bangku sekolah di Indonesia jauh dari karakter bangsa. Pihak pemerintah selaku pembuat kebijakan pendidikan dan pihak tenaga pendidik selaku pelaksana kebijakan belum mengajarkan banyak pelajaran penting soal karakter kepada anak didiknya.
Menurut penulis, dalam melaksanakan pendidikan karakter, paling utama yang sekolah harus ajarkan ke semua peserta didik adalah semangat untuk maju yang ditandai dengan semangat untuk belajar. Sekolah semestinya memperingatkan para peserta didik bahwa hidup mereka sebagai individu ataupun sebagai masyarakat tidak akan pernah mencapai kemajuan berarti bila mereka tidak berusaha keras untuk senantiasa belajar hal-hal baru dan bekerja giat untuk mendapatkan apa yang mereka impikan.
Realita yang ada selama ini justru malah jauh panggang dari api dan membuat kita “ngelus dada” (kebangeten : meminjam kata-kata ibu saya). Mental sebagian besar masyarakat kita terkooptasi pengambil kebijakan, yaitu ingin mendapatkan sesuatu dengan cara yang mudah. Oleh karena itu seringkali kita melupakan segala aturan main dan menghalalkan segala cara, tak peduli melanggar aturan dan norma. selama bisa mencapai segala sesuatu dengan cara mudah, “why not”, miris mendengarnya.
Hal tersebut diatas ditandai dengan pembiaran perilaku mencontek saat UN dan berlanjut dengan perilaku korupsi dan kolusi di dunia kerja. Bangsa kita sangat mendambakan kehidupan bak negeri seribu satu malam, dimana sebuah “lampu aladin” menjadi pemecahan segala masalah. Tidak seperti bangsa lain dimana pendidikan diperlukan kerja keras, pantang menyerah tidak mengenal putus asa, dan itu sudah ditanamkan sejak usia dini. Para orangtua dan guru, bahu membahu melatih anak-anak bangsa mereka untuk bisa mandiri, bertanggungjawab, dan memecahkan masalah mereka sendiri.
Demikian sambutan dari saya, semoga Hardiknas menjadi momentum terlaksananya pendidikan karakter. Apabila ada kesalahnan dalam penyampaian saya mohon maaf. Terimakasih.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Minggu, 06 Juni 2010
Hardiknas dan Pendidikan Kita
by almanar
TIAP KALI memperingati Hari Pendidikan Nasional (Hardiknas) pada tanggal 2 Mei, kita selalu dihadapkan kepada berbagai persoalan tentang pendidikan. Meski negeri ini telah mengecap kemerdekaan selama 65 tahun pada 17 Agustus 2010 nanti, tapi kemajuan pendidikan khususnya yang selalu diharapkan tidak juga mampu kita capai. Kenyataan itu semakin membuat kita terenyuh, manakala menyaksikan negeri yang baru tumbuh dan menjadikan Indonesia sebagai tempat warganya menimba ilmu sudah meraih berbagai kemajuan. Bahkan melampaui negeri kita. Di mana letak kesalahannya?.
Kalau dibilang anak negeri ini tidak cukup pintar, rasanya tidak beralasan, karena tiap kali mengirimkan utusan dalam olimpiade dan kejuaraan berbasis pendidikan lainnya untuk adu llmu, kita selalu meraih gelar juara. Lantas apanya yang salah?.
Rasanya tidak salah kalau setiap memperingati Hardiknas, kita selalu diajak merenung dan berhenti pada satu pertanyaan sudah seberapa jauh kemajuan dunia pendidikan di negeri ini? Semua Warga Negara Indonesia, mulai dari pejabat hingga orangtua kalangan berpunya sampai si miskin papa selalu menjawab serupa bahwa pendidikan sangat dibutuhkan, terutama untuk mengangkat harkat dan martabat serta kemajuan negara. Anehnya meskipun semua orang sudah berpikir sama tentang makna pendidikan dan pentingnya ilmu bagi kalangan generasi bangsa untuk membangun masa depan Indonesia, tapi tetap saja negeri ini bagai tak perduli terhadap peningkatan peranan pendidikan di dalam negeri.
Lebih aneh lagi rasanya, tiap kali jelang peringatan Hardiknas kita selalu dihadapkan kepada keresahan para orangtua dan anak didik kita mulai setingkat SMA, SMP dan SD yang menghadapi Ujian Nasional (UN). Kekhawatiran para orangtua bukan karena anak mereka terlalu bodoh, tapi karena sistem UN lebih banyak bersifat untung-untungan serta sangat tergantung dengan kepiawaian kepala sekolah dan yayasan tempat anak mereka menuntut ilmu dalam mencari solusi agar anak-anak asuh mereka lulus 100 persen. Meski banyak sekolah membantah, tapi kenyataannya para anak didik secara sembunyi-sembunyi mengakui mereka lulus karena sudah diberi jawaban oleh para guru pembimbingnya sehingga saat menghadapi UN tinggal mencocokkan jawaban nya.
Meski berbagai kritik dan masukan telah diberikan, tapi anehnya pemerintah tidak bergeming dan masih beranggapan bahwa UN satu-satunya jalan untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di tanah air.Keprihatinan kita semakin memuncak saat mengetahui pemerintah ternyata tidak pernah melakukan perubahan yang mendasar terkait peningkatan pendidikan di tanah air.Oleh karenanya kita berharap agar para pembuat kebijakan pendidikan di tanah air dapat mengubah kerangka berpikir (mindset) karena mengingat kondisi pendidikan kita saat ini sudah sangat mengkhawatirkan. Kita selalu menuntut agar dibuka lapangan kerja seluas-luasnya bagi para pekerja kita, tapi kenyataannya pekerja kita tidak siap pakai dan siap bersaing saat lapangan kerja dibuka. Padahal kondisi itu semuanya terkait dengan peningkatan kualitas pendidikan.Kalau kualitas pendidikan meningkat berarti mendongkrak seluruh sektor peningkatan kemajuan bangsa.
Akibat rendahnya berbagai ukuran kemajuan pendidikan dan SDM anak negeri ini, sehingga tidak heran Indonesia hingga hari ini menjadi bulan-bulanan berbagai kebijakan asing yang ditandai gampangnya masuk budaya asing serta membanjirnya beragam produk impor di pasar dalam negeri. Kondisi itu juga semakin diperparah dengan “membanjirnya” anak negeri ini yang pergi menuntut ilmu ke luar negeri. Meski di satu sisi sangat membanggakan karena para generasi muda itu nanti akan pulang dengan ilmu yang memadai, namun di sisi lain hal itu merupakan ironi kalau kualitas pendidikan di negeri ini sudah tidak bisa diharapkan lagi sehingga orangtua lebih percaya mengirimkan anak-anak mereka ke luar negeri daripada mendidiknya di tanah air sendiri.
Diharapkan melalui Hardiknas yang baru kita peringati, kembali mengingatkan dan menjadi renungan bagi kita semua akan pentingnya pendidikan untuk memajukan kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Hingga apa yang menjadi cita-cita bapak Pendidikan Nasional, Ki Hajar Dewantara yang dicetuskannya dalam “Sepuluh Intisari Fatwa” dapat diwujudkan, terutama dalam memajukan pendidikan untuk kemuliaan bagi bangsa dan negara Indonesia. Tantangan maha berat sesungguhnya ada di depan mata, karenanya ke depan kita berharap tidak ada lagi sistem “uji-coba” dan “bongkar pasang” dalam dunia pendidikan kita.
Sumber: Tajuk Rencana Harian Analisa
Education Day and Education We
by Almanar
ONCE EACH commemorate the Day of National Education (Education Day) on May 2, we are always faced with various problems concerning education. Although the country has been labeled during 65 years of independence on August 17, 2010 will be, but the advancement of education in particular who always hoped we could not also achieve. The fact that more and makes us so touched, when the country witnessed a new growth and make Indonesia as a place to gain knowledge of its citizens already achieved some progress. Even beyond our country. Where is the fault?.
If you say children of this country are not smart enough, it seems not unreasonable, because every time sent representatives in the Olympics and other championships to compete based science education, we always won. So what's so wrong?.
It was not wrong when every commemorate Education Day, we are always invited to reflect and stop at one question how far the progress of education in this country? All Indonesian citizen, ranging from officials to parents among the haves to the destitute poor are always the same answer that education is needed, especially to raise the dignity and progress of the country. Strangely though everyone was thinking the same about the meaning and importance of science education for the generations to build the future nation of Indonesia, but still this country like no matter to increase the role of education in the country.
More strange it seems, every time the warning ahead of our Education Day is always faced with the restlessness of our parents and students start high school level, junior high and elementary schools that face the National Examination (UN). Concerns the child's parents not because they are too stupid, but because the UN system more chancy nature and depend on the expertise of school principals and foundations place their children studying in seeking solutions to their foster children graduating 100 percent. Even though many schools argue, but in reality the students secretly admit they graduate because it had been given answers by mentor teachers so as to face the UN live match her answers.
Despite various criticisms and suggestions have been given, but strangely, the government did not budge and still think that the UN is the only way to improve and enhance the quality of education in the land air.Keprihatinan heightened when we know the government was never committed a fundamental change in the related increase in education air.Oleh soil, therefore, we hope that education policy makers in this country can change the frame of thinking (mindset) because given the current condition of our education is very worrying. We always demand that jobs be opened as wide as possible for our workers, but in reality workers are no ready-made and ready to compete when the job opened. Though conditions are all associated with increased quality means increased pendidikan.Kalau boost education quality improvement across all sectors of the nation.
Progress of various sizes due to low education and human resources of this country boy, so no wonder Indonesia to this day became a month-monthly variety of foreign policy marked a trivial entry of foreign cultures and diverse flood of imported products in domestic market. The condition was also aggravated by "flooding" the country boy who went to study abroad. Even in one hand, very proud because the young generation will come home with adequate knowledge, on the other hand it is a irony kalau kualitas education in this country can not be expected again sehingga more confidence in parents of children mengirimkan them abroad instead of educating him in his own homeland.
Hopefully, through the new Education Day we commemorate, and to muse again reminded us all of the importance of education to advance the national and state life. Up to what became the father of the ideals of National Education, Ki Hajar Dewantara which dicetuskannya in "Ten Highlights Fatwa" can be realized, particularly in promoting education for the glory to the nation of Indonesia. Very onerous real challenge is in front of the eye, so in the future we hope there is no system of "trial" and "unloading tide" in our education.
Source: Daily Headers Plan Analysis
by almanar
TIAP KALI memperingati Hari Pendidikan Nasional (Hardiknas) pada tanggal 2 Mei, kita selalu dihadapkan kepada berbagai persoalan tentang pendidikan. Meski negeri ini telah mengecap kemerdekaan selama 65 tahun pada 17 Agustus 2010 nanti, tapi kemajuan pendidikan khususnya yang selalu diharapkan tidak juga mampu kita capai. Kenyataan itu semakin membuat kita terenyuh, manakala menyaksikan negeri yang baru tumbuh dan menjadikan Indonesia sebagai tempat warganya menimba ilmu sudah meraih berbagai kemajuan. Bahkan melampaui negeri kita. Di mana letak kesalahannya?.
Kalau dibilang anak negeri ini tidak cukup pintar, rasanya tidak beralasan, karena tiap kali mengirimkan utusan dalam olimpiade dan kejuaraan berbasis pendidikan lainnya untuk adu llmu, kita selalu meraih gelar juara. Lantas apanya yang salah?.
Rasanya tidak salah kalau setiap memperingati Hardiknas, kita selalu diajak merenung dan berhenti pada satu pertanyaan sudah seberapa jauh kemajuan dunia pendidikan di negeri ini? Semua Warga Negara Indonesia, mulai dari pejabat hingga orangtua kalangan berpunya sampai si miskin papa selalu menjawab serupa bahwa pendidikan sangat dibutuhkan, terutama untuk mengangkat harkat dan martabat serta kemajuan negara. Anehnya meskipun semua orang sudah berpikir sama tentang makna pendidikan dan pentingnya ilmu bagi kalangan generasi bangsa untuk membangun masa depan Indonesia, tapi tetap saja negeri ini bagai tak perduli terhadap peningkatan peranan pendidikan di dalam negeri.
Lebih aneh lagi rasanya, tiap kali jelang peringatan Hardiknas kita selalu dihadapkan kepada keresahan para orangtua dan anak didik kita mulai setingkat SMA, SMP dan SD yang menghadapi Ujian Nasional (UN). Kekhawatiran para orangtua bukan karena anak mereka terlalu bodoh, tapi karena sistem UN lebih banyak bersifat untung-untungan serta sangat tergantung dengan kepiawaian kepala sekolah dan yayasan tempat anak mereka menuntut ilmu dalam mencari solusi agar anak-anak asuh mereka lulus 100 persen. Meski banyak sekolah membantah, tapi kenyataannya para anak didik secara sembunyi-sembunyi mengakui mereka lulus karena sudah diberi jawaban oleh para guru pembimbingnya sehingga saat menghadapi UN tinggal mencocokkan jawaban nya.
Meski berbagai kritik dan masukan telah diberikan, tapi anehnya pemerintah tidak bergeming dan masih beranggapan bahwa UN satu-satunya jalan untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di tanah air.Keprihatinan kita semakin memuncak saat mengetahui pemerintah ternyata tidak pernah melakukan perubahan yang mendasar terkait peningkatan pendidikan di tanah air.Oleh karenanya kita berharap agar para pembuat kebijakan pendidikan di tanah air dapat mengubah kerangka berpikir (mindset) karena mengingat kondisi pendidikan kita saat ini sudah sangat mengkhawatirkan. Kita selalu menuntut agar dibuka lapangan kerja seluas-luasnya bagi para pekerja kita, tapi kenyataannya pekerja kita tidak siap pakai dan siap bersaing saat lapangan kerja dibuka. Padahal kondisi itu semuanya terkait dengan peningkatan kualitas pendidikan.Kalau kualitas pendidikan meningkat berarti mendongkrak seluruh sektor peningkatan kemajuan bangsa.
Akibat rendahnya berbagai ukuran kemajuan pendidikan dan SDM anak negeri ini, sehingga tidak heran Indonesia hingga hari ini menjadi bulan-bulanan berbagai kebijakan asing yang ditandai gampangnya masuk budaya asing serta membanjirnya beragam produk impor di pasar dalam negeri. Kondisi itu juga semakin diperparah dengan “membanjirnya” anak negeri ini yang pergi menuntut ilmu ke luar negeri. Meski di satu sisi sangat membanggakan karena para generasi muda itu nanti akan pulang dengan ilmu yang memadai, namun di sisi lain hal itu merupakan ironi kalau kualitas pendidikan di negeri ini sudah tidak bisa diharapkan lagi sehingga orangtua lebih percaya mengirimkan anak-anak mereka ke luar negeri daripada mendidiknya di tanah air sendiri.
Diharapkan melalui Hardiknas yang baru kita peringati, kembali mengingatkan dan menjadi renungan bagi kita semua akan pentingnya pendidikan untuk memajukan kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Hingga apa yang menjadi cita-cita bapak Pendidikan Nasional, Ki Hajar Dewantara yang dicetuskannya dalam “Sepuluh Intisari Fatwa” dapat diwujudkan, terutama dalam memajukan pendidikan untuk kemuliaan bagi bangsa dan negara Indonesia. Tantangan maha berat sesungguhnya ada di depan mata, karenanya ke depan kita berharap tidak ada lagi sistem “uji-coba” dan “bongkar pasang” dalam dunia pendidikan kita.
Sumber: Tajuk Rencana Harian Analisa
Education Day and Education We
by Almanar
ONCE EACH commemorate the Day of National Education (Education Day) on May 2, we are always faced with various problems concerning education. Although the country has been labeled during 65 years of independence on August 17, 2010 will be, but the advancement of education in particular who always hoped we could not also achieve. The fact that more and makes us so touched, when the country witnessed a new growth and make Indonesia as a place to gain knowledge of its citizens already achieved some progress. Even beyond our country. Where is the fault?.
If you say children of this country are not smart enough, it seems not unreasonable, because every time sent representatives in the Olympics and other championships to compete based science education, we always won. So what's so wrong?.
It was not wrong when every commemorate Education Day, we are always invited to reflect and stop at one question how far the progress of education in this country? All Indonesian citizen, ranging from officials to parents among the haves to the destitute poor are always the same answer that education is needed, especially to raise the dignity and progress of the country. Strangely though everyone was thinking the same about the meaning and importance of science education for the generations to build the future nation of Indonesia, but still this country like no matter to increase the role of education in the country.
More strange it seems, every time the warning ahead of our Education Day is always faced with the restlessness of our parents and students start high school level, junior high and elementary schools that face the National Examination (UN). Concerns the child's parents not because they are too stupid, but because the UN system more chancy nature and depend on the expertise of school principals and foundations place their children studying in seeking solutions to their foster children graduating 100 percent. Even though many schools argue, but in reality the students secretly admit they graduate because it had been given answers by mentor teachers so as to face the UN live match her answers.
Despite various criticisms and suggestions have been given, but strangely, the government did not budge and still think that the UN is the only way to improve and enhance the quality of education in the land air.Keprihatinan heightened when we know the government was never committed a fundamental change in the related increase in education air.Oleh soil, therefore, we hope that education policy makers in this country can change the frame of thinking (mindset) because given the current condition of our education is very worrying. We always demand that jobs be opened as wide as possible for our workers, but in reality workers are no ready-made and ready to compete when the job opened. Though conditions are all associated with increased quality means increased pendidikan.Kalau boost education quality improvement across all sectors of the nation.
Progress of various sizes due to low education and human resources of this country boy, so no wonder Indonesia to this day became a month-monthly variety of foreign policy marked a trivial entry of foreign cultures and diverse flood of imported products in domestic market. The condition was also aggravated by "flooding" the country boy who went to study abroad. Even in one hand, very proud because the young generation will come home with adequate knowledge, on the other hand it is a irony kalau kualitas education in this country can not be expected again sehingga more confidence in parents of children mengirimkan them abroad instead of educating him in his own homeland.
Hopefully, through the new Education Day we commemorate, and to muse again reminded us all of the importance of education to advance the national and state life. Up to what became the father of the ideals of National Education, Ki Hajar Dewantara which dicetuskannya in "Ten Highlights Fatwa" can be realized, particularly in promoting education for the glory to the nation of Indonesia. Very onerous real challenge is in front of the eye, so in the future we hope there is no system of "trial" and "unloading tide" in our education.
Source: Daily Headers Plan Analysis
Tingkatkan Mutu Pendidikan
Setiap tanggal 2 Mei diperingati sebagai Hari Pendidikan Nasional, yang sering disingkat dengan Hardiknas. Untuk tahun ini Hardiknas mengambil tema Pendidikan Sains, Teknologi dan Seni Menjamin Pembangunan Berkelanjutan dan Meningkatkan Daya Saing Bangsa.
Tanggal 2 Mei adalah hari kelahiran Ki Hajar Dewantara, yang lahir di Yogyakarta tanggal 2 Mei 1889. Ki Hajar Dewantara adalah aktivis pergerakan kemerdekaan Indonesia dan pendiri Perguruan Taman Siswa. Lembaga pendidikan yang didirikannya itu merupakan tempat bagi pribumi untuk mendapatkan pendidikan seperti yang diperoleh para priayi serta masyarakat Belanda di Indonesia.
Melihat tema yang ditampilkan pada Hardiknas kali ini, kita sebenarnya bangga dengan keberhasilan anak didik kita yang telah banyak meraih medali emas dalam berbagai olimpiade sains di luar negeri. Anak-anak Indonesia tidak kalah dan bahkan sering menjadi yang terbaik dalam setiap olimpiade sains yang diselenggarakan berbagai badan internasional.
Sayangnya, hingga saat ini mutu pendidikan di Indonesia belum merata. Kita tidak mungkin bisa menyamakan kualitas pendidikan di Papua dengan di Surabaya. Atau, Kalimantan dengan Bandung atau perbandingan lainnya. Bahkan, dalam satu provinsi saja, kualitas satu sekolah dengan sekolah lainnya sangat jauh perbedaannya. Oleh karena itu, kita bisa maklum di perguruan tinggi tertentu mahasiswanya hanya berasal dari sekolah tertentu pula, karena di sini kualitas menjadi yang utama.
Dalam ujian nasional (UN) yang sudah berlangsung untuk tingkat SMA dan SMP, belum lama ini, tentunya kita terenyuh mendengar ada keterlibatan kepala sekolah yang membocorkan jawaban soal UN. Pembocoran jawaban soal UN dilakukan kepala sekolah, karena tidak ingin banyak anak didiknya yang tidak lulus UN, sehingga sekolah tersebut turun citranya di mata masyarakat.
Apa yang dilakukan kepala seolah ini seharusnya membuka mata kita semua bahwa ada upaya-upaya menutupi kebobrokan mutu pendidikan oleh orang- orang yang seharusnya menjadi orang terdepan dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Yang dilakukan para kepala sekolah yang membocorkan jawaban soal UN tersebut tentunya akan membuat kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia semakin terpuruk. Apalagi, jika hal itu dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah di daerah yang kualitas pendidikannya masih sangat rendah. Akibatnya, kualitas pendidikan akan semakin turun.
Menghadapi era globalisasi seperti sekarang ini, kita harus sadar kualitas bangsa Indonesia harus semakin ditingkatkan. Jika tidak, maka pekerja-pekerja asing akan menguasai negeri kita. Mereka akan menduduki posisi-posisi penting, sementara orang Indonesia hanya sebagai karyawan biasa.
Kualitas pendidikan yang rendah membuat bangsa ini tidak mampu bersaing dengan bangsa lain. Tentunya, kita tidak ingin bangsa ini kalah bersaing dengan bangsa lain. Kualitas pendidikan di negeri ini jangan kita biarkan terpuruk hanya karena ingin menjaga gengsi sekolah dengan memberikan bocoran soal ujian UN kepada para murid. Memberikan pendidikan yang benar saja belum tentu meningkatkan kualitas murid sekolah, apalagi mengajari mereka berbuat curang, hanya demi nama sekolah. Buatlah nama sekolah terkenal karena mutunya, bukan karena berhasil meluluskan muridnya dalam jumlah banyak, padahal kualitasnya rendah.
Improve Education Quality
Each dated May 2 is celebrated as National Education Day, which is often abbreviated as Education Day. For this year's Education Day takes the theme of Education Science, Technology and the Arts Ensure Sustainable Development and Enhancing Competitiveness Nations.
Dated May 2 is the birthday of Ki Hajar Dewantara, who was born in Yogyakarta on May 2, 1889. Ki Hajar Dewantara is the Indonesian independence movement activist and founder of College Student Park. Establishment of institutions that are home to native to get an education as well priayi obtained the Dutch community in Indonesia.
See displayed on the Education Day theme this time, we're actually proud of the success of our students have won many Olympic gold medals in a variety of science abroad. Indonesian children do not lose and even often be the best in each Science Olympiad held various international bodies.
Unfortunately, until now the quality of education in Indonesia has not been equitable. We can not equate the quality of education in Papua and in Surabaya. Or, Kalimantan Bandung or comparison with others. In fact, in one province alone, the quality of one school with another school very much difference. Therefore, we can understand in a certain college students only from a particular school too, because here the quality of the primary.
In the national exam (UN), which had lasted for high school and junior high level, just recently, we certainly have touched to hear the principal involvement of leaking the answers to the UN. Leak the answers to the UN chief made the school, because they do not want many children who do not pass the national examination students, so the school has declined so its image in the eyes of society.
What does the head as if it should open our eyes all that there are efforts to cover the depravity of the quality of education by people who should be the leader in improving education quality. Undertaken by the principal who leaked examination answers to these questions will make the quality of education in Indonesia is worse off. Moreover, if it is done by the school principal in an area that is still very low quality of education. As a result, the quality of education will decrease.
Facing today's globalization era, we must realize the quality of the Indonesian nation must continue to improve. If not, then foreign workers will rule our country. They will occupy important positions, while Indonesia only as a regular employee.
Low quality of education that make this nation can not afford to compete with other nations. Obviously, we do not want this nation can not compete with other nations. The quality of education in this country do not we let the drowning just because the school wanted to maintain their prestige by giving the UN leaked exam questions to the students. Providing proper education alone does not necessarily improve the quality of school students, let alone teach them to cheat, just to name the school. Make a school known for its quality, not because of successful graduate students in quantity, but quality is low.
Setiap tanggal 2 Mei diperingati sebagai Hari Pendidikan Nasional, yang sering disingkat dengan Hardiknas. Untuk tahun ini Hardiknas mengambil tema Pendidikan Sains, Teknologi dan Seni Menjamin Pembangunan Berkelanjutan dan Meningkatkan Daya Saing Bangsa.
Tanggal 2 Mei adalah hari kelahiran Ki Hajar Dewantara, yang lahir di Yogyakarta tanggal 2 Mei 1889. Ki Hajar Dewantara adalah aktivis pergerakan kemerdekaan Indonesia dan pendiri Perguruan Taman Siswa. Lembaga pendidikan yang didirikannya itu merupakan tempat bagi pribumi untuk mendapatkan pendidikan seperti yang diperoleh para priayi serta masyarakat Belanda di Indonesia.
Melihat tema yang ditampilkan pada Hardiknas kali ini, kita sebenarnya bangga dengan keberhasilan anak didik kita yang telah banyak meraih medali emas dalam berbagai olimpiade sains di luar negeri. Anak-anak Indonesia tidak kalah dan bahkan sering menjadi yang terbaik dalam setiap olimpiade sains yang diselenggarakan berbagai badan internasional.
Sayangnya, hingga saat ini mutu pendidikan di Indonesia belum merata. Kita tidak mungkin bisa menyamakan kualitas pendidikan di Papua dengan di Surabaya. Atau, Kalimantan dengan Bandung atau perbandingan lainnya. Bahkan, dalam satu provinsi saja, kualitas satu sekolah dengan sekolah lainnya sangat jauh perbedaannya. Oleh karena itu, kita bisa maklum di perguruan tinggi tertentu mahasiswanya hanya berasal dari sekolah tertentu pula, karena di sini kualitas menjadi yang utama.
Dalam ujian nasional (UN) yang sudah berlangsung untuk tingkat SMA dan SMP, belum lama ini, tentunya kita terenyuh mendengar ada keterlibatan kepala sekolah yang membocorkan jawaban soal UN. Pembocoran jawaban soal UN dilakukan kepala sekolah, karena tidak ingin banyak anak didiknya yang tidak lulus UN, sehingga sekolah tersebut turun citranya di mata masyarakat.
Apa yang dilakukan kepala seolah ini seharusnya membuka mata kita semua bahwa ada upaya-upaya menutupi kebobrokan mutu pendidikan oleh orang- orang yang seharusnya menjadi orang terdepan dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Yang dilakukan para kepala sekolah yang membocorkan jawaban soal UN tersebut tentunya akan membuat kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia semakin terpuruk. Apalagi, jika hal itu dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah di daerah yang kualitas pendidikannya masih sangat rendah. Akibatnya, kualitas pendidikan akan semakin turun.
Menghadapi era globalisasi seperti sekarang ini, kita harus sadar kualitas bangsa Indonesia harus semakin ditingkatkan. Jika tidak, maka pekerja-pekerja asing akan menguasai negeri kita. Mereka akan menduduki posisi-posisi penting, sementara orang Indonesia hanya sebagai karyawan biasa.
Kualitas pendidikan yang rendah membuat bangsa ini tidak mampu bersaing dengan bangsa lain. Tentunya, kita tidak ingin bangsa ini kalah bersaing dengan bangsa lain. Kualitas pendidikan di negeri ini jangan kita biarkan terpuruk hanya karena ingin menjaga gengsi sekolah dengan memberikan bocoran soal ujian UN kepada para murid. Memberikan pendidikan yang benar saja belum tentu meningkatkan kualitas murid sekolah, apalagi mengajari mereka berbuat curang, hanya demi nama sekolah. Buatlah nama sekolah terkenal karena mutunya, bukan karena berhasil meluluskan muridnya dalam jumlah banyak, padahal kualitasnya rendah.
Improve Education Quality
Each dated May 2 is celebrated as National Education Day, which is often abbreviated as Education Day. For this year's Education Day takes the theme of Education Science, Technology and the Arts Ensure Sustainable Development and Enhancing Competitiveness Nations.
Dated May 2 is the birthday of Ki Hajar Dewantara, who was born in Yogyakarta on May 2, 1889. Ki Hajar Dewantara is the Indonesian independence movement activist and founder of College Student Park. Establishment of institutions that are home to native to get an education as well priayi obtained the Dutch community in Indonesia.
See displayed on the Education Day theme this time, we're actually proud of the success of our students have won many Olympic gold medals in a variety of science abroad. Indonesian children do not lose and even often be the best in each Science Olympiad held various international bodies.
Unfortunately, until now the quality of education in Indonesia has not been equitable. We can not equate the quality of education in Papua and in Surabaya. Or, Kalimantan Bandung or comparison with others. In fact, in one province alone, the quality of one school with another school very much difference. Therefore, we can understand in a certain college students only from a particular school too, because here the quality of the primary.
In the national exam (UN), which had lasted for high school and junior high level, just recently, we certainly have touched to hear the principal involvement of leaking the answers to the UN. Leak the answers to the UN chief made the school, because they do not want many children who do not pass the national examination students, so the school has declined so its image in the eyes of society.
What does the head as if it should open our eyes all that there are efforts to cover the depravity of the quality of education by people who should be the leader in improving education quality. Undertaken by the principal who leaked examination answers to these questions will make the quality of education in Indonesia is worse off. Moreover, if it is done by the school principal in an area that is still very low quality of education. As a result, the quality of education will decrease.
Facing today's globalization era, we must realize the quality of the Indonesian nation must continue to improve. If not, then foreign workers will rule our country. They will occupy important positions, while Indonesia only as a regular employee.
Low quality of education that make this nation can not afford to compete with other nations. Obviously, we do not want this nation can not compete with other nations. The quality of education in this country do not we let the drowning just because the school wanted to maintain their prestige by giving the UN leaked exam questions to the students. Providing proper education alone does not necessarily improve the quality of school students, let alone teach them to cheat, just to name the school. Make a school known for its quality, not because of successful graduate students in quantity, but quality is low.
idato Mendiknas RI, Mohammad Nuh yang intinya menitikberatkan pada pendidikan karakter untuk membangun peradaban bangsa.
Belum kering ludah kita berbicara tentang peradaban bangsa yang pada ujungnya menimbulkan krisis multidimensi melanda negara ini, hingga membuat kita sadar bahwa selama ini kita memang jauh dari pendidikan karakter. Pendidikan karakter sangat penting bagi bangsa yang mengaku santun ini, walau.sesungguhnya jauh dari essensi santun. Mari kita melebarkan mata sejenak untuk menatap lurus ke depan, berapa banyak penegak hukum yang justru dihukum, berapa banyak pelayan publik yang justru minta dilayani. Ini semua akibat dari pendidikan karakter yang terabaikan.
Akibat tidak adanya pendidikan karakter, tidak heran bila pengambil kebijakan, selalu mengambil kebijakan yang tidak bijak, apalagi pembodohan masyarakat juga dipamerkan secara sistematis oleh mereka calon pengambil kebijakan. Dan tidak jarang sebagian besar masyarakat kita masih terbuai dengan janji-janji para calon pengambil kebijakan jika mereka terpilih maka kehidupan akan lebih baik untuk semua orang.
Sesungguhnya permasalahan tersebut diatas dimulai dari pendidikan yang dienyam di bangku sekolah di Indonesia jauh dari karakter bangsa. Pihak pemerintah selaku pembuat kebijakan pendidikan dan pihak tenaga pendidik selaku pelaksana kebijakan belum mengajarkan banyak pelajaran penting soal karakter kepada anak didiknya.
Menurut penulis, dalam melaksanakan pendidikan karakter, paling utama yang sekolah harus ajarkan ke semua peserta didik adalah semangat untuk maju yang ditandai dengan semangat untuk belajar. Sekolah semestinya memperingatkan para peserta didik bahwa hidup mereka sebagai individu ataupun sebagai masyarakat tidak akan pernah mencapai kemajuan berarti bila mereka tidak berusaha keras untuk senantiasa belajar hal-hal baru dan bekerja giat untuk mendapatkan apa yang mereka impikan.
Realita yang ada selama ini justru malah jauh panggang dari api dan membuat kita “ngelus dada” (kebangeten : meminjam kata-kata ibu saya). Mental sebagian besar masyarakat kita terkooptasi pengambil kebijakan, yaitu ingin mendapatkan sesuatu dengan cara yang mudah. Oleh karena itu seringkali kita melupakan segala aturan main dan menghalalkan segala cara, tak peduli melanggar aturan dan norma. selama bisa mencapai segala sesuatu dengan cara mudah, “why not”, miris mendengarnya.
Hal tersebut diatas ditandai dengan pembiaran perilaku mencontek saat UN dan berlanjut dengan perilaku korupsi dan kolusi di dunia kerja. Bangsa kita sangat mendambakan kehidupan bak negeri seribu satu malam, dimana sebuah “lampu aladin” menjadi pemecahan segala masalah. Tidak seperti bangsa lain dimana pendidikan diperlukan kerja keras, pantang menyerah tidak mengenal putus asa, dan itu sudah ditanamkan sejak usia dini. Para orangtua dan guru, bahu membahu melatih anak-anak bangsa mereka untuk bisa mandiri, bertanggungjawab, dan memecahkan masalah mereka sendiri.
Dipenghujung tulisan ini, semoga Hardiknas, menjadi momentum terlaksananya pendidikan karakter… Amin
idato RI Minister, Mohammad Nuh, a core emphasis on character education to build the civilization of the nation.
Not yet dry saliva we are talking about a nation that at the end of civilization raises the multidimensional crisis hit this country, to make us realize that so far we are away from character education. Character education is very important for people who claim this polite, courteous walau.sesungguhnya distant from essence. Let's take a moment to extend his eyes staring straight ahead, how many are actually punished law enforcement, how many public servants who actually asked to be served. This is all a result of character education is neglected.
Due to lack of character education, do not be surprised if policy makers, always take a policy that is not wise, especially duping the public is also exhibited systematically by their prospective policy makers. And not infrequently the majority of our society are still swayed by promises of the candidates if they are elected policy makers then life will be better for everyone.
Indeed the question above, starting from the dienyam education in school in Indonesia is far from the character of the nation. Party government as education policy makers and other educators as policy implementers have not taught him many important lessons about the character to their students.
According to the authors, in implementing character education, most primary schools must be taught to all students is the spirit to go forward which is marked by a passion for learning. Schools should have warned his students that their lives as individuals or as a society will never achieve meaningful progress if they do not strive to constantly learn new things and work hard to get what they dreamed of.
Reality is there for precisely this fact far from the fire and make us "ngelus chest" (kebangeten: borrow the words of my mother). Mental co-opted most of the policy makers of our society, that want to get things the easy way. Therefore, we often forget all the rules and justifies every means, no matter violate rules and norms. long as I can achieve anything the easy way, "why not", Sad to hear it.
The above condition is marked by cheating behaviors while letting the UN and to continue corruption and collusive behavior in the workplace. Our nation is longing for the life of the country like a thousand and one nights, where a "lamp light" to solving any problem. Unlike other nations where education is needed to work hard, never give up in despair do not know, and that was instilled from an early age. The parents and teachers, hand in hand to train the children to their nations to be independent, responsible, and solve their own problems.
Dipenghujung this writing, hopefully Education Day, the momentum of the implementation of character education ... Amen
Belum kering ludah kita berbicara tentang peradaban bangsa yang pada ujungnya menimbulkan krisis multidimensi melanda negara ini, hingga membuat kita sadar bahwa selama ini kita memang jauh dari pendidikan karakter. Pendidikan karakter sangat penting bagi bangsa yang mengaku santun ini, walau.sesungguhnya jauh dari essensi santun. Mari kita melebarkan mata sejenak untuk menatap lurus ke depan, berapa banyak penegak hukum yang justru dihukum, berapa banyak pelayan publik yang justru minta dilayani. Ini semua akibat dari pendidikan karakter yang terabaikan.
Akibat tidak adanya pendidikan karakter, tidak heran bila pengambil kebijakan, selalu mengambil kebijakan yang tidak bijak, apalagi pembodohan masyarakat juga dipamerkan secara sistematis oleh mereka calon pengambil kebijakan. Dan tidak jarang sebagian besar masyarakat kita masih terbuai dengan janji-janji para calon pengambil kebijakan jika mereka terpilih maka kehidupan akan lebih baik untuk semua orang.
Sesungguhnya permasalahan tersebut diatas dimulai dari pendidikan yang dienyam di bangku sekolah di Indonesia jauh dari karakter bangsa. Pihak pemerintah selaku pembuat kebijakan pendidikan dan pihak tenaga pendidik selaku pelaksana kebijakan belum mengajarkan banyak pelajaran penting soal karakter kepada anak didiknya.
Menurut penulis, dalam melaksanakan pendidikan karakter, paling utama yang sekolah harus ajarkan ke semua peserta didik adalah semangat untuk maju yang ditandai dengan semangat untuk belajar. Sekolah semestinya memperingatkan para peserta didik bahwa hidup mereka sebagai individu ataupun sebagai masyarakat tidak akan pernah mencapai kemajuan berarti bila mereka tidak berusaha keras untuk senantiasa belajar hal-hal baru dan bekerja giat untuk mendapatkan apa yang mereka impikan.
Realita yang ada selama ini justru malah jauh panggang dari api dan membuat kita “ngelus dada” (kebangeten : meminjam kata-kata ibu saya). Mental sebagian besar masyarakat kita terkooptasi pengambil kebijakan, yaitu ingin mendapatkan sesuatu dengan cara yang mudah. Oleh karena itu seringkali kita melupakan segala aturan main dan menghalalkan segala cara, tak peduli melanggar aturan dan norma. selama bisa mencapai segala sesuatu dengan cara mudah, “why not”, miris mendengarnya.
Hal tersebut diatas ditandai dengan pembiaran perilaku mencontek saat UN dan berlanjut dengan perilaku korupsi dan kolusi di dunia kerja. Bangsa kita sangat mendambakan kehidupan bak negeri seribu satu malam, dimana sebuah “lampu aladin” menjadi pemecahan segala masalah. Tidak seperti bangsa lain dimana pendidikan diperlukan kerja keras, pantang menyerah tidak mengenal putus asa, dan itu sudah ditanamkan sejak usia dini. Para orangtua dan guru, bahu membahu melatih anak-anak bangsa mereka untuk bisa mandiri, bertanggungjawab, dan memecahkan masalah mereka sendiri.
Dipenghujung tulisan ini, semoga Hardiknas, menjadi momentum terlaksananya pendidikan karakter… Amin
idato RI Minister, Mohammad Nuh, a core emphasis on character education to build the civilization of the nation.
Not yet dry saliva we are talking about a nation that at the end of civilization raises the multidimensional crisis hit this country, to make us realize that so far we are away from character education. Character education is very important for people who claim this polite, courteous walau.sesungguhnya distant from essence. Let's take a moment to extend his eyes staring straight ahead, how many are actually punished law enforcement, how many public servants who actually asked to be served. This is all a result of character education is neglected.
Due to lack of character education, do not be surprised if policy makers, always take a policy that is not wise, especially duping the public is also exhibited systematically by their prospective policy makers. And not infrequently the majority of our society are still swayed by promises of the candidates if they are elected policy makers then life will be better for everyone.
Indeed the question above, starting from the dienyam education in school in Indonesia is far from the character of the nation. Party government as education policy makers and other educators as policy implementers have not taught him many important lessons about the character to their students.
According to the authors, in implementing character education, most primary schools must be taught to all students is the spirit to go forward which is marked by a passion for learning. Schools should have warned his students that their lives as individuals or as a society will never achieve meaningful progress if they do not strive to constantly learn new things and work hard to get what they dreamed of.
Reality is there for precisely this fact far from the fire and make us "ngelus chest" (kebangeten: borrow the words of my mother). Mental co-opted most of the policy makers of our society, that want to get things the easy way. Therefore, we often forget all the rules and justifies every means, no matter violate rules and norms. long as I can achieve anything the easy way, "why not", Sad to hear it.
The above condition is marked by cheating behaviors while letting the UN and to continue corruption and collusive behavior in the workplace. Our nation is longing for the life of the country like a thousand and one nights, where a "lamp light" to solving any problem. Unlike other nations where education is needed to work hard, never give up in despair do not know, and that was instilled from an early age. The parents and teachers, hand in hand to train the children to their nations to be independent, responsible, and solve their own problems.
Dipenghujung this writing, hopefully Education Day, the momentum of the implementation of character education ... Amen
Dalam peringatan Hari Pendidikan Nasional yang digelar di seluruh daerah di Indonesia, Menteri Pendidikan Nasional, M. Nuh memberikan pesan dalam memaknai HARDIKNAS di seluruh Indonesia Adapun pesan yang disampaikan oleh Mendiknas terkait hari Pendidikan Nasional terdiri dari 3 makna. Seperti halnya yang disampaikan dalam upacara HARDIKNAS pagi tadi di Balaikota Surakarta.
Dalam surat yang berisi pesan Menteri M.Nuh mengemukakan ketiga makna tersebut, bahwa makna yang pertama adalah HARDIKNAS merupakan momentum untuk merenungkan dan merefleksikan diri terhadap perjalanan dan langkah panjang yang telah di lalui, hal ini terkait dengan cita-cita awal lahirnya HARDIKNAS. Makna yang kedua menurut M.Nuh adalah adanya upaya di dalam menjalankan berbagai program pendidikan saat ini untuk menatap masa depan yang lebih baik dan menjamin pelayanan secara non-diskriminatif.
Sementara makna yang ketiga adalah bagaimana kita para generasi penerus untuk memperspektifkan apa yang telah dan sedang dilakukan untuk masa depan yang lebih baik, sebagaimana yang telah dicantumkan dalam konstitusi negara kta serta diamankan pula dalam sistem perundangan, dalam upaya mencerdaskan bangsa secara utuh.
Ketiga makna tersebut merupakan pesan dari Mendiknas M. Nuh dalam suratnya melalui pemerintah daerah yang menggelar upacara HARDIKNAS.
In commemoration of National Education Day held in all regions in Indonesia, Minister of National Education, M. Noah gives a message of understanding of the entire Indonesian Education Day at The messages conveyed by the relevant Minister of National Education today consists of three meanings. Just as conveyed in Education Day ceremony at City Hall this morning Surakarta.
In the letter containing the message Minister M. Nuh third argued that meaning, that meaning the first is Education Day is a momentum to ponder and reflect on ourselves to travel and long strides that have been through, it is associated with the ideals of the early emergence of Education Day. The second meaning by M. Noah was the effort in running various educational programs currently looking for a better future and guarantee non-discriminatory service.
While the meaning of the third is how we are the next generation to memperspektifkan what has been and is being done for a better future, as has been included in the KTA state constitution and also secured in the legislation system, in order to achieve the nation as a whole.
The third meaning is the message from Education Minister M. Noah in his letter through the local government held a ceremony of Education Day.
Dalam surat yang berisi pesan Menteri M.Nuh mengemukakan ketiga makna tersebut, bahwa makna yang pertama adalah HARDIKNAS merupakan momentum untuk merenungkan dan merefleksikan diri terhadap perjalanan dan langkah panjang yang telah di lalui, hal ini terkait dengan cita-cita awal lahirnya HARDIKNAS. Makna yang kedua menurut M.Nuh adalah adanya upaya di dalam menjalankan berbagai program pendidikan saat ini untuk menatap masa depan yang lebih baik dan menjamin pelayanan secara non-diskriminatif.
Sementara makna yang ketiga adalah bagaimana kita para generasi penerus untuk memperspektifkan apa yang telah dan sedang dilakukan untuk masa depan yang lebih baik, sebagaimana yang telah dicantumkan dalam konstitusi negara kta serta diamankan pula dalam sistem perundangan, dalam upaya mencerdaskan bangsa secara utuh.
Ketiga makna tersebut merupakan pesan dari Mendiknas M. Nuh dalam suratnya melalui pemerintah daerah yang menggelar upacara HARDIKNAS.
In commemoration of National Education Day held in all regions in Indonesia, Minister of National Education, M. Noah gives a message of understanding of the entire Indonesian Education Day at The messages conveyed by the relevant Minister of National Education today consists of three meanings. Just as conveyed in Education Day ceremony at City Hall this morning Surakarta.
In the letter containing the message Minister M. Nuh third argued that meaning, that meaning the first is Education Day is a momentum to ponder and reflect on ourselves to travel and long strides that have been through, it is associated with the ideals of the early emergence of Education Day. The second meaning by M. Noah was the effort in running various educational programs currently looking for a better future and guarantee non-discriminatory service.
While the meaning of the third is how we are the next generation to memperspektifkan what has been and is being done for a better future, as has been included in the KTA state constitution and also secured in the legislation system, in order to achieve the nation as a whole.
The third meaning is the message from Education Minister M. Noah in his letter through the local government held a ceremony of Education Day.
Hari Pendidikan Nasional (Hardiknas) tanggal 2 Mei setiap tahunnya diperingati oleh pemerintah khususnya Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Peringatan Hardiknas ini juga dilaksanakan di seluruh daerah, baik propinsi maupun kabupaten/kota. Untuk menghilangkan image negative dari masyarakat khususnya kalangan orang tua murid yang tidak mampu, bahwa acara peringatan tersebut hanya akal-akalan dan menghabiskan anggaran, biasanya acara peringatan ini dikemas dengan label “syukuran”.
Bertepatan dengan hari pendidikan tersebut, diberbagai daerah tanah air kita juga terjadi aksi demonstrasi yang dilakukan bebagai kalangan khususnya mahasiswa dan aktivis yang peduli terhadap kelangsungan pendidikan di Indonesia. Tuntutan para demonstran pada hari pendidikan tahun ini kebanyakan adalah penghapusan komersialisasi pendidikan dan menagih janji pemerintahan presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono agar segera merealisasikan yang diucapkannya pada saat kampanye Pilpres tahun 2004 yang lalu, yaitu akan mengalokasikan anggaran pendidikan sebesar 20% jika terpilih menjadi presiden.
Masih pada bulan Mei 2005 ini, kita juga dibuat terkejut, sedih bercampur malu membaca berita yang dimuat berbagai media massa tentang kasus bunuh diri seorang siswa akibat orang tuanya tidak mampu membayar uang sekolah. Kita yakin, semua pihak pasti setuju bahkan sangat mengharapkan peningkatan anggaran untuk sector pendidikan segera direalisasikan. Lalu, benarkan jika pemerintah mengalokasikan anggaran pendidikan sebesar 20% dari APBN segala persoalan pendidikan selama ini dapat teratasi dan kasus bunuh diri siswa diatas tidak terulang lagi ?. Dan siapa yang bisa menjamin bahwa anggaran sebesar itu tidak akan lagi dicuri oleh “Gerombolan Maling” yang masih banyak dan bebas berkeliaran di negeri ini ?.
Besarnya jumlah anggaran yang dialokasikan untuk pendidikan bukanlah suatu jaminan bagi masyarakat untuk mendapatkan pendidikan yang murah, apalagi gratis. Bahkan jika penegakan hukum di negeri ini masih tetap seperti “sarang laba-laba” mungkin keinginan untuk memperoleh pendidikan gratis tersebut hanya akan tetap merupakan sebuah wacana atau hanya akan ada di dalam mimpi belaka.
Sebagai gambaran bahwa besarnya anggaran untuk sector pendidikan bukanlah jaminan persoalan pendidikan dapat teratasi, pada tahun 2004 lalu Pemerintah Kabupaten Langkat telah mengalokasikan dana untuk sector pendidikan yang bersumber dari Anggaran pendapatan Belanja Daerah (APBD) sebesar Rp. 184.511.123.000,- atau sekitar 43 % dari Total APBD Langkat yaitu Rp. 421.574.725.000,- Dari jumlah tersebut, Rp.162.608.859.000,- adalah untuk belanja aparatur daerah pada Pos TK/SDN/SLTPN/SMUN/SMKN. Bukankah anggaran tersebut cukup besar jika dilihat secara umum ?. Lalu dapatkah masyarakat Kabupaten Langkat menikmati pendidikan yang murah tapi bermutu ?. Belum tentu, sebab ternyata di daerah ini masih banyak ditemukan anak usia sekolah yang tidak bersekolah (putus sekolah) disebabkan ekonomi orangtuanya yang tidak mampu.
Biaya pendidikan di sekolah pemerintah dan sekolah yang dikelola oleh swasta di Kabupaten Langkat sama mahalnya, sebab pada kenyataannya sama-sama dikomersialisasikan. Walaupun pemerintah melalui dinas pendidikan telah mengalokasikan anggaran yang cukup besar, tapi komersialisasi pendidikan tetap berjalan seperti tidak mendapatkan hambatan. Bahkan jika kita teliti secara lebih mendalam akan ditemukan indikasi kebocoran anggaran yang sangat besar di dinas ini. Semakin besar anggaran yang dialokasikan, maka semakin besar tingkat kebocoran tersebut. Tidaklah heran jika banyak yang berasumsi bahwa di dinas ini telah terjadi “Korupsi ganda”.
Hal seperti ini dapat kita lihat pada saat dilangsungkannya Ujian Akhir Sekolah (UAS) atau Ujian Akhir Nasional (UAN) tahun lalu. Tidak ada satu sekolahpun yang mengakui bahwa mereka telah mengutip uang ujian, sebab hal tersebut dilarang oleh Dinas pendidikan. Tapi para siswa mengaku membayar uang ujian dan dibebankan membayar uang perpisahan yang jumlahnya kadangkala mencapai puluhan bahkan ratusan ribu rupiah. Padahal masih berdasarkan APBD Langkat TA.2004 Dinas pendidikan daerah ini telah mengalokasikan anggaran untuk UAS sebesar Rp.,-. Jumlah tersebut adalah untuk biaya pelaksanaan UAS 46.431 siswa yang terdiri dari 6069 siswa SMU, 16.022 siswa SLTP/MTs, 3340 siswa SMK dan 21.000 siswa SD. Anggaran ini meliputi biya cetak lembar jawaban dan soal, biaya transport monitoring UAS dan biaya untuk koreksi ujian.
Dari jumlah tersebut juga diketahui bahwa biaya UAS satu orang siswa adalah Rp.37.500,- untuk siswa SMU, Rp. 30.000,- untuk SLTP/MTs, Rp. 48.500,- untuk SMK dan Rp.21.500, untuk SD. Disamping itu Dinas Pendidikan Langkat juga mengalokasikan anggaran sebesar Rp. 499.880.000,- untuk pembelian buku paket IPA, IPS dan Matematika khusus untuk siswa Sekolah Dasar. Namun ternyata semua siswa SD tetap dibebani dengan biaya pembelian buku paket yang harganya mencapai Rp.100.000,-/siswa.
Rendahnya mutu pendidikan di Indonesia salah satunya adalah diakibatkan buruknya system manajerial dan besarnya tingkat kebocoran anggaran . Ditambah dengan banyaknya jumlah guru yang tidak memenuhi kualifikasi menyebabkan pendidikan di negeri ini “bagai cahaya lilin yang hampir padam”. Berdasarkan data dari Direktur Tenaga Kependidikan (Ditendik) Dikdasmen Depdiknas tahun 2004, tercatat guru SD, SLTP dan SMU yang tidak memenuhi kualifikasi pendidikan minimal sebanyak 991.243 guru atau 45,96%. Sementara yang memenuhi kualifikasi pendidikan minimal 1.165.354 orang atau 50,04% dari total 2.156.597 guru diseluruh Indonesia. Jadi tidaklah salah jika Amidhan, salah seorang anggota Komisi Nasional Hak Azasi Manusia (Komnas HAM) mengatakan bahwa dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini pendidikan di Indonesia mengalami kemunduran, bahkan telah sampai pada situasi krisis.
Uraian di atas mungkin dapat menjadikan gambaran bagaimana sebenarnya kondisi pendidikan di negeri kita. Jadi, peringatan Hardiknas yang dilaksanakan oleh berbagai daerah terutama Dinas pendidikan tahun ini dan dikemas dengan label “syukuran” mungkin menjadi peringatan Hardiknas yang “Kehilangan makna” dan hanya sekedar “seremoni” belaka. Dan masih yakinkah kita bahwa alokasi anggaran sebesar 20% dari APBN dapat menyelesaikan persoalan di bidang pendidikan ?. Bagaimana menurut anda ?. Salam
National Education Day (Education Day) on May 2 is celebrated annually by the government especially the Ministry of National Education. Education Day commemoration was also carried out in all regions, both provincial and district levels. To eliminate negative image of the community especially among parents who can not afford, that the commemoration is only a trick and spent the budget, this commemoration is usually packaged with the label "thanksgiving".
Coinciding with a day of education, the various areas of our country also happens bebagai demonstrations conducted among university students and activists who care about the continuity of education in Indonesia. Demands of the demonstrators on the day of this year's education is the elimination of most of the commercialization of education and government promise President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to immediately realize what he was saying at the time of election campaign in 2004, which would allocate the education budget by 20% if elected president.
Still in May 2005, we also made a surprise, sadness mingled with embarrassment to read news that was published in the national media about the suicide of a student because her parents can not afford to pay school fees. We believe all parties would agree, even so expect increased budgets for the education sector from reality. Then, justified if the government allocates the budget for education amounted to 20% of the national budget for all education problems can be overcome and the above student suicides did not happen again?. And who can guarantee that the budget for it will no longer be stolen by the "gang Burglar" still a lot and roam freely in this country?.
The magnitude of the budget allocated to education is not a guarantee for the public to get a cheap education, let alone free. Even if law enforcement in this country still remain as "cobwebs" may desire to obtain free education will only remain a discourse or just be there in the dream.
As an illustration that the magnitude of the budget for education sector is no guarantee of educational issues can be resolved, in the year 2004 and Langkat District Government has allocated funds for the education sector budget revenues derived from local expenditure (budget) amounted to USD. 184 511 123 000, - or about 43% of the total budget of Rp Langkat. 421 574 725 000, - Of this amount, Rp.162.608.859.000, - is for the local apparatus on Post Kindergarten / Elementary School / Junior High School level / SMUN / smkn. Was not a big enough budget when seen in general?. Then the public can enjoy Langkat a cheap but quality education?. Not necessarily, because it turns out in this area there are still many school-age children not attending school (school dropout) caused by parents who can not afford economic.
The cost of education in government schools and schools run by private Langkat as expensive, because in reality are equally commercialized. Although the government through the education department has allocated a big enough budget, but the commercialization of education continues to run like not getting resistance. Even if we are meticulous in more depth will be found indications of a very large budget leak in this department. The bigger the budget allocated, the greater the level of the leak. It is no wonder that many who assume that the bureau has occurred "double Corruption."
Things like this can be seen at the time dilangsungkannya SLC School (UAS) or the National Final Examination (UAN) last year. No single sekolahpun who admitted that they had been quoting the money test, because it is prohibited by the Department of Education. But the students admitted paying the money to pay the exam and the charged amount of separation that sometimes reach tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Though still based on Department of Education Budgets TA.2004 Langkat this area has been allocated a budget for the UAS of Rp. 1290237500, -. This amount is for fees of the UAS 46 431 students consisting of 6069 high school students, 16 022 students Junior High, 3340 vocational students and 21,000 elementary students. This budget includes Biya and the answer sheets printed matter, monitoring the transport costs and costs for corrections UAS test.
From this amount is also known that the final cost of one student is Rp.37.500, - for high school students, Rp. 30 000 - for Junior High, USD. 48 500, - for PMS and Rp.21.500, for SD. In addition Langkat Education Department also allocated a budget of Rp. 499 880 000, - for the purchase of textbooks science, social studies and mathematics for elementary school students. But apparently all elementary school students remain burdened with the cost of purchasing books priced up to Rp 100,000, -/siswa.
The low quality of education in Indonesia, one of which is due to poor managerial systems and the level of the budget leak. Coupled with the large number of teachers who do not qualify cause of education in this country "like a candle that lights are going out." Based on data from the Director of Education Workforce (Ditendik) Dikdasmen Education Ministry in 2004, there were elementary school teachers, junior high and high school who do not meet the minimum educational qualification of teachers as much as 991 243 or 45.96%. Meanwhile, those who meet the minimum educational qualification of 1,165,354 people or 50.04% of the total of 2,156,597 teachers across Indonesia. So it is not wrong if Amidhan, a member of the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) said that in the last few years of education in Indonesia has experienced a setback, even had reached a crisis situation.
The above description may make the picture of how the actual condition of education in our country. Thus, the Education Day commemoration held by the various areas, especially education office this year and is packaged with the label "thanksgiving" Education Day may be a warning that "Loss of meaning" and just "ceremonial" mere. And still we are sure that the budget allocation amounting to 20% of the state budget to resolve the problems in education?. How do you think?. Greeting
Bertepatan dengan hari pendidikan tersebut, diberbagai daerah tanah air kita juga terjadi aksi demonstrasi yang dilakukan bebagai kalangan khususnya mahasiswa dan aktivis yang peduli terhadap kelangsungan pendidikan di Indonesia. Tuntutan para demonstran pada hari pendidikan tahun ini kebanyakan adalah penghapusan komersialisasi pendidikan dan menagih janji pemerintahan presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono agar segera merealisasikan yang diucapkannya pada saat kampanye Pilpres tahun 2004 yang lalu, yaitu akan mengalokasikan anggaran pendidikan sebesar 20% jika terpilih menjadi presiden.
Masih pada bulan Mei 2005 ini, kita juga dibuat terkejut, sedih bercampur malu membaca berita yang dimuat berbagai media massa tentang kasus bunuh diri seorang siswa akibat orang tuanya tidak mampu membayar uang sekolah. Kita yakin, semua pihak pasti setuju bahkan sangat mengharapkan peningkatan anggaran untuk sector pendidikan segera direalisasikan. Lalu, benarkan jika pemerintah mengalokasikan anggaran pendidikan sebesar 20% dari APBN segala persoalan pendidikan selama ini dapat teratasi dan kasus bunuh diri siswa diatas tidak terulang lagi ?. Dan siapa yang bisa menjamin bahwa anggaran sebesar itu tidak akan lagi dicuri oleh “Gerombolan Maling” yang masih banyak dan bebas berkeliaran di negeri ini ?.
Besarnya jumlah anggaran yang dialokasikan untuk pendidikan bukanlah suatu jaminan bagi masyarakat untuk mendapatkan pendidikan yang murah, apalagi gratis. Bahkan jika penegakan hukum di negeri ini masih tetap seperti “sarang laba-laba” mungkin keinginan untuk memperoleh pendidikan gratis tersebut hanya akan tetap merupakan sebuah wacana atau hanya akan ada di dalam mimpi belaka.
Sebagai gambaran bahwa besarnya anggaran untuk sector pendidikan bukanlah jaminan persoalan pendidikan dapat teratasi, pada tahun 2004 lalu Pemerintah Kabupaten Langkat telah mengalokasikan dana untuk sector pendidikan yang bersumber dari Anggaran pendapatan Belanja Daerah (APBD) sebesar Rp. 184.511.123.000,- atau sekitar 43 % dari Total APBD Langkat yaitu Rp. 421.574.725.000,- Dari jumlah tersebut, Rp.162.608.859.000,- adalah untuk belanja aparatur daerah pada Pos TK/SDN/SLTPN/SMUN/SMKN. Bukankah anggaran tersebut cukup besar jika dilihat secara umum ?. Lalu dapatkah masyarakat Kabupaten Langkat menikmati pendidikan yang murah tapi bermutu ?. Belum tentu, sebab ternyata di daerah ini masih banyak ditemukan anak usia sekolah yang tidak bersekolah (putus sekolah) disebabkan ekonomi orangtuanya yang tidak mampu.
Biaya pendidikan di sekolah pemerintah dan sekolah yang dikelola oleh swasta di Kabupaten Langkat sama mahalnya, sebab pada kenyataannya sama-sama dikomersialisasikan. Walaupun pemerintah melalui dinas pendidikan telah mengalokasikan anggaran yang cukup besar, tapi komersialisasi pendidikan tetap berjalan seperti tidak mendapatkan hambatan. Bahkan jika kita teliti secara lebih mendalam akan ditemukan indikasi kebocoran anggaran yang sangat besar di dinas ini. Semakin besar anggaran yang dialokasikan, maka semakin besar tingkat kebocoran tersebut. Tidaklah heran jika banyak yang berasumsi bahwa di dinas ini telah terjadi “Korupsi ganda”.
Hal seperti ini dapat kita lihat pada saat dilangsungkannya Ujian Akhir Sekolah (UAS) atau Ujian Akhir Nasional (UAN) tahun lalu. Tidak ada satu sekolahpun yang mengakui bahwa mereka telah mengutip uang ujian, sebab hal tersebut dilarang oleh Dinas pendidikan. Tapi para siswa mengaku membayar uang ujian dan dibebankan membayar uang perpisahan yang jumlahnya kadangkala mencapai puluhan bahkan ratusan ribu rupiah. Padahal masih berdasarkan APBD Langkat TA.2004 Dinas pendidikan daerah ini telah mengalokasikan anggaran untuk UAS sebesar Rp.,-. Jumlah tersebut adalah untuk biaya pelaksanaan UAS 46.431 siswa yang terdiri dari 6069 siswa SMU, 16.022 siswa SLTP/MTs, 3340 siswa SMK dan 21.000 siswa SD. Anggaran ini meliputi biya cetak lembar jawaban dan soal, biaya transport monitoring UAS dan biaya untuk koreksi ujian.
Dari jumlah tersebut juga diketahui bahwa biaya UAS satu orang siswa adalah Rp.37.500,- untuk siswa SMU, Rp. 30.000,- untuk SLTP/MTs, Rp. 48.500,- untuk SMK dan Rp.21.500, untuk SD. Disamping itu Dinas Pendidikan Langkat juga mengalokasikan anggaran sebesar Rp. 499.880.000,- untuk pembelian buku paket IPA, IPS dan Matematika khusus untuk siswa Sekolah Dasar. Namun ternyata semua siswa SD tetap dibebani dengan biaya pembelian buku paket yang harganya mencapai Rp.100.000,-/siswa.
Rendahnya mutu pendidikan di Indonesia salah satunya adalah diakibatkan buruknya system manajerial dan besarnya tingkat kebocoran anggaran . Ditambah dengan banyaknya jumlah guru yang tidak memenuhi kualifikasi menyebabkan pendidikan di negeri ini “bagai cahaya lilin yang hampir padam”. Berdasarkan data dari Direktur Tenaga Kependidikan (Ditendik) Dikdasmen Depdiknas tahun 2004, tercatat guru SD, SLTP dan SMU yang tidak memenuhi kualifikasi pendidikan minimal sebanyak 991.243 guru atau 45,96%. Sementara yang memenuhi kualifikasi pendidikan minimal 1.165.354 orang atau 50,04% dari total 2.156.597 guru diseluruh Indonesia. Jadi tidaklah salah jika Amidhan, salah seorang anggota Komisi Nasional Hak Azasi Manusia (Komnas HAM) mengatakan bahwa dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini pendidikan di Indonesia mengalami kemunduran, bahkan telah sampai pada situasi krisis.
Uraian di atas mungkin dapat menjadikan gambaran bagaimana sebenarnya kondisi pendidikan di negeri kita. Jadi, peringatan Hardiknas yang dilaksanakan oleh berbagai daerah terutama Dinas pendidikan tahun ini dan dikemas dengan label “syukuran” mungkin menjadi peringatan Hardiknas yang “Kehilangan makna” dan hanya sekedar “seremoni” belaka. Dan masih yakinkah kita bahwa alokasi anggaran sebesar 20% dari APBN dapat menyelesaikan persoalan di bidang pendidikan ?. Bagaimana menurut anda ?. Salam
National Education Day (Education Day) on May 2 is celebrated annually by the government especially the Ministry of National Education. Education Day commemoration was also carried out in all regions, both provincial and district levels. To eliminate negative image of the community especially among parents who can not afford, that the commemoration is only a trick and spent the budget, this commemoration is usually packaged with the label "thanksgiving".
Coinciding with a day of education, the various areas of our country also happens bebagai demonstrations conducted among university students and activists who care about the continuity of education in Indonesia. Demands of the demonstrators on the day of this year's education is the elimination of most of the commercialization of education and government promise President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to immediately realize what he was saying at the time of election campaign in 2004, which would allocate the education budget by 20% if elected president.
Still in May 2005, we also made a surprise, sadness mingled with embarrassment to read news that was published in the national media about the suicide of a student because her parents can not afford to pay school fees. We believe all parties would agree, even so expect increased budgets for the education sector from reality. Then, justified if the government allocates the budget for education amounted to 20% of the national budget for all education problems can be overcome and the above student suicides did not happen again?. And who can guarantee that the budget for it will no longer be stolen by the "gang Burglar" still a lot and roam freely in this country?.
The magnitude of the budget allocated to education is not a guarantee for the public to get a cheap education, let alone free. Even if law enforcement in this country still remain as "cobwebs" may desire to obtain free education will only remain a discourse or just be there in the dream.
As an illustration that the magnitude of the budget for education sector is no guarantee of educational issues can be resolved, in the year 2004 and Langkat District Government has allocated funds for the education sector budget revenues derived from local expenditure (budget) amounted to USD. 184 511 123 000, - or about 43% of the total budget of Rp Langkat. 421 574 725 000, - Of this amount, Rp.162.608.859.000, - is for the local apparatus on Post Kindergarten / Elementary School / Junior High School level / SMUN / smkn. Was not a big enough budget when seen in general?. Then the public can enjoy Langkat a cheap but quality education?. Not necessarily, because it turns out in this area there are still many school-age children not attending school (school dropout) caused by parents who can not afford economic.
The cost of education in government schools and schools run by private Langkat as expensive, because in reality are equally commercialized. Although the government through the education department has allocated a big enough budget, but the commercialization of education continues to run like not getting resistance. Even if we are meticulous in more depth will be found indications of a very large budget leak in this department. The bigger the budget allocated, the greater the level of the leak. It is no wonder that many who assume that the bureau has occurred "double Corruption."
Things like this can be seen at the time dilangsungkannya SLC School (UAS) or the National Final Examination (UAN) last year. No single sekolahpun who admitted that they had been quoting the money test, because it is prohibited by the Department of Education. But the students admitted paying the money to pay the exam and the charged amount of separation that sometimes reach tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Though still based on Department of Education Budgets TA.2004 Langkat this area has been allocated a budget for the UAS of Rp. 1290237500, -. This amount is for fees of the UAS 46 431 students consisting of 6069 high school students, 16 022 students Junior High, 3340 vocational students and 21,000 elementary students. This budget includes Biya and the answer sheets printed matter, monitoring the transport costs and costs for corrections UAS test.
From this amount is also known that the final cost of one student is Rp.37.500, - for high school students, Rp. 30 000 - for Junior High, USD. 48 500, - for PMS and Rp.21.500, for SD. In addition Langkat Education Department also allocated a budget of Rp. 499 880 000, - for the purchase of textbooks science, social studies and mathematics for elementary school students. But apparently all elementary school students remain burdened with the cost of purchasing books priced up to Rp 100,000, -/siswa.
The low quality of education in Indonesia, one of which is due to poor managerial systems and the level of the budget leak. Coupled with the large number of teachers who do not qualify cause of education in this country "like a candle that lights are going out." Based on data from the Director of Education Workforce (Ditendik) Dikdasmen Education Ministry in 2004, there were elementary school teachers, junior high and high school who do not meet the minimum educational qualification of teachers as much as 991 243 or 45.96%. Meanwhile, those who meet the minimum educational qualification of 1,165,354 people or 50.04% of the total of 2,156,597 teachers across Indonesia. So it is not wrong if Amidhan, a member of the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) said that in the last few years of education in Indonesia has experienced a setback, even had reached a crisis situation.
The above description may make the picture of how the actual condition of education in our country. Thus, the Education Day commemoration held by the various areas, especially education office this year and is packaged with the label "thanksgiving" Education Day may be a warning that "Loss of meaning" and just "ceremonial" mere. And still we are sure that the budget allocation amounting to 20% of the state budget to resolve the problems in education?. How do you think?. Greeting
Makna Hari Pendidikan Nasional - Majukan Bangsa Indonesia Melalui Pendidikan
Mon, 27/04/2009 - 4:16pm — mouly
Tanggal 2 Mei 2009 mempunyai arti penting dalam kancah pendidikan nasional Indonesia. Memasuki abad 21 ini, pendidikan mempunyai arah tujuan yang jelas, yaitu memartabatkan manusia Indonesia di kancah internasional. Begitu juga baru saja bagi siswa-siswa SMA / MA, SMK, SMP/MTs dan di susul siswa SD/MI melaksanakan ujian nasional serta UASBN.
Namun begitu, dalam benak kita pendidikan di negeri ini belum beranjak melaju pesat menuju mutu yang memuaskan. Bila mau menengok ke belakang, ketika kemarin usai melaksanakan Ujian Nasional pada pelajaran matematika bagi siswa SMA/MA/SMK, raut wajah mereka banyak mengalami kekhawatiran akan hasil yang di capai dalam ujian tersebut. Harus seperti apakah yang bisa dilaksanakan oleh instuisi pendidikan kita? Apakah ini merupakan proses belajar yang salah ataukah kurang bergairahnya para siswa dalam mengikuti proses pendidikan setiap hari sehingga dikatakan gagal dalam pendidikan ?
Pada dasa warsa tahun 70 atau 80 -an para orang tua kita dalam sekolah mereka cerdas-cerdas. Padahal secara umum sarana prasarana masih sangat kekurangan. Kemudian di banding sekarang ini antara tahun 90 - 2000-an, rata-rata siswa mengeluh terhadap sulitnya pendidikan kita. Apa yang menjadi masalah dalam masalah ini ?
Tujuan pemerintah menaikkan rata-rata hasil UN 5,5 bisa sangat difahami untuk menaikkan rating mutu pendidikan nasional. Namun banyak fihak yang menganggap bahwa hal tersebut sangat memberatkan siswa. Kembali lagi, sebuah proses belajar yang salah, gagal memotivasi siswa atau kemauan siswa yang tidak semangat dalam belajar ?
Perubahan Zaman
Bila dikaji lebih jauh, kondisi tahun 70-80 an merupakan masa-masa pergerakan menuju perbaikan kondisi Indonesia. Semangat mereka sangat tinggi untuk mencapai rasa sukses dalam pendidikan. Lebih jauh jagi kalau menegok tahun sebelum tahun 70-an. Mereka sangat luar biasa dalam belajar. Berhitung tanpa alatb bantu mereka mampu. Beranjak ke tahun 70 - 2000 -an, siswa tanpa alat bantu sangat sulit untuk berhitung.
Perkembangan teknologi sangat berpengaruh bagi siswa-siswi di masa sekarang ini. Yang mengembangkan teknologi sekarang ini juga merupakan produk pendidikan tahun 60-80an. Berarti, bisa dikatakan bahwa siswa masa itu lebih brilian semangatnya dibanding masa sekarang ini.
Kembali lagi tentang hari Pendidikan Nasional, bahwa permasalahan lemahnya semangat para siswa harus disikapi secara serius oleh semua fihak baik para orang tua siswa, para teknisi pendidikan dan pemerintah. Ada baiknya duduk dalam satu meja untuk mencari formula yang tepat dalam memajukan pendidikan nasional. Apabila di ajak secara langsung membahas tentang hal itu, lebih baik dan masing-masing mempunyai rasa tanggung jawab untuk menjawab tantangan bangsa ini ke depan dalam membangun pendidikan Indonesia yang lebih maju, bermartabat dan setara dengan bangsa lain dalam ilmu pengetahuan.
Melalui Hari Pendidikan Nasional tahun ini, harus bertekat untuk memajukan bangsa Indonesia melalui jalur Pendidikan..
Meaning of National Education Day - promote Indonesian Nation Through Education
Mon, 27/04/2009 - 4:16 pm - mouly
May 2, 2009 Date of significant importance in the Indonesian national education arena. Entering the 21st century, education has a clear direction of purpose, namely human memartabatkan Indonesia in the international arena. So also just for students SMA / MA, vocational, junior high school students and in one after another primary school and UASBN implement a national exam.
However, in our minds of education in this country has not moved rapidly moving towards a satisfactory quality. When you want to look back, when yesterday after carrying out the National Examination for students in high school math / MA / SMK, they face many experienced fears that the results achieved in these exams. Should look like what can be accomplished by instuisi our education? Is this a process of learning the wrong or less stimulation of the students in participating in the educational process so that each day is said to fail in education?
In the decade of 70 or 80 of our parents in their school smart-smart. Whereas the general infrastructure is still very deficient. Later in this appeal is now between the years 90-2000's, the average student complained to the difficulty of our education. What is at issue in this problem?
Government aim to increase an average 5.5 national examination results can be understood to raise the rating of the quality of national education. However, many parties who consider that it is very burdensome to students. Back again, a process of learning the wrong, will fail to motivate students or students who are not in the spirit of learning?
Age Changes
When examined further, the condition of a 70-80 year period the movement toward improved conditions in Indonesia. Their morale is very high to achieve a sense of success in education. Furthermore jagi if menegok years before the 70s. They are very unusual in the study. Arithmetic without alatb able to help them. Moving into the year 70-2000's, students without a hearing aid is very difficult to calculate.
Technological development is very influential for the students at the present time. Who developed the technology today is also an educational product in 60-80s. Means, it can be said that the students were more brilliant than the spirit of today.
Back again on the day of National Education, that the problem of lack of enthusiasm the students have to be addressed seriously by all parties both parents of students, technicians and government education. It's good to sit in one table to find the right formula in promoting national education. If the invite directly to discuss about it, better and each has a sense of responsibility to respond to the challenges this nation forward in developing a more advanced education in Indonesia, dignity and equal with other nations in science.
Through the National Education Day this year, have determined to promote the Indonesian people through the Education ..
Mon, 27/04/2009 - 4:16pm — mouly
Tanggal 2 Mei 2009 mempunyai arti penting dalam kancah pendidikan nasional Indonesia. Memasuki abad 21 ini, pendidikan mempunyai arah tujuan yang jelas, yaitu memartabatkan manusia Indonesia di kancah internasional. Begitu juga baru saja bagi siswa-siswa SMA / MA, SMK, SMP/MTs dan di susul siswa SD/MI melaksanakan ujian nasional serta UASBN.
Namun begitu, dalam benak kita pendidikan di negeri ini belum beranjak melaju pesat menuju mutu yang memuaskan. Bila mau menengok ke belakang, ketika kemarin usai melaksanakan Ujian Nasional pada pelajaran matematika bagi siswa SMA/MA/SMK, raut wajah mereka banyak mengalami kekhawatiran akan hasil yang di capai dalam ujian tersebut. Harus seperti apakah yang bisa dilaksanakan oleh instuisi pendidikan kita? Apakah ini merupakan proses belajar yang salah ataukah kurang bergairahnya para siswa dalam mengikuti proses pendidikan setiap hari sehingga dikatakan gagal dalam pendidikan ?
Pada dasa warsa tahun 70 atau 80 -an para orang tua kita dalam sekolah mereka cerdas-cerdas. Padahal secara umum sarana prasarana masih sangat kekurangan. Kemudian di banding sekarang ini antara tahun 90 - 2000-an, rata-rata siswa mengeluh terhadap sulitnya pendidikan kita. Apa yang menjadi masalah dalam masalah ini ?
Tujuan pemerintah menaikkan rata-rata hasil UN 5,5 bisa sangat difahami untuk menaikkan rating mutu pendidikan nasional. Namun banyak fihak yang menganggap bahwa hal tersebut sangat memberatkan siswa. Kembali lagi, sebuah proses belajar yang salah, gagal memotivasi siswa atau kemauan siswa yang tidak semangat dalam belajar ?
Perubahan Zaman
Bila dikaji lebih jauh, kondisi tahun 70-80 an merupakan masa-masa pergerakan menuju perbaikan kondisi Indonesia. Semangat mereka sangat tinggi untuk mencapai rasa sukses dalam pendidikan. Lebih jauh jagi kalau menegok tahun sebelum tahun 70-an. Mereka sangat luar biasa dalam belajar. Berhitung tanpa alatb bantu mereka mampu. Beranjak ke tahun 70 - 2000 -an, siswa tanpa alat bantu sangat sulit untuk berhitung.
Perkembangan teknologi sangat berpengaruh bagi siswa-siswi di masa sekarang ini. Yang mengembangkan teknologi sekarang ini juga merupakan produk pendidikan tahun 60-80an. Berarti, bisa dikatakan bahwa siswa masa itu lebih brilian semangatnya dibanding masa sekarang ini.
Kembali lagi tentang hari Pendidikan Nasional, bahwa permasalahan lemahnya semangat para siswa harus disikapi secara serius oleh semua fihak baik para orang tua siswa, para teknisi pendidikan dan pemerintah. Ada baiknya duduk dalam satu meja untuk mencari formula yang tepat dalam memajukan pendidikan nasional. Apabila di ajak secara langsung membahas tentang hal itu, lebih baik dan masing-masing mempunyai rasa tanggung jawab untuk menjawab tantangan bangsa ini ke depan dalam membangun pendidikan Indonesia yang lebih maju, bermartabat dan setara dengan bangsa lain dalam ilmu pengetahuan.
Melalui Hari Pendidikan Nasional tahun ini, harus bertekat untuk memajukan bangsa Indonesia melalui jalur Pendidikan..
Meaning of National Education Day - promote Indonesian Nation Through Education
Mon, 27/04/2009 - 4:16 pm - mouly
May 2, 2009 Date of significant importance in the Indonesian national education arena. Entering the 21st century, education has a clear direction of purpose, namely human memartabatkan Indonesia in the international arena. So also just for students SMA / MA, vocational, junior high school students and in one after another primary school and UASBN implement a national exam.
However, in our minds of education in this country has not moved rapidly moving towards a satisfactory quality. When you want to look back, when yesterday after carrying out the National Examination for students in high school math / MA / SMK, they face many experienced fears that the results achieved in these exams. Should look like what can be accomplished by instuisi our education? Is this a process of learning the wrong or less stimulation of the students in participating in the educational process so that each day is said to fail in education?
In the decade of 70 or 80 of our parents in their school smart-smart. Whereas the general infrastructure is still very deficient. Later in this appeal is now between the years 90-2000's, the average student complained to the difficulty of our education. What is at issue in this problem?
Government aim to increase an average 5.5 national examination results can be understood to raise the rating of the quality of national education. However, many parties who consider that it is very burdensome to students. Back again, a process of learning the wrong, will fail to motivate students or students who are not in the spirit of learning?
Age Changes
When examined further, the condition of a 70-80 year period the movement toward improved conditions in Indonesia. Their morale is very high to achieve a sense of success in education. Furthermore jagi if menegok years before the 70s. They are very unusual in the study. Arithmetic without alatb able to help them. Moving into the year 70-2000's, students without a hearing aid is very difficult to calculate.
Technological development is very influential for the students at the present time. Who developed the technology today is also an educational product in 60-80s. Means, it can be said that the students were more brilliant than the spirit of today.
Back again on the day of National Education, that the problem of lack of enthusiasm the students have to be addressed seriously by all parties both parents of students, technicians and government education. It's good to sit in one table to find the right formula in promoting national education. If the invite directly to discuss about it, better and each has a sense of responsibility to respond to the challenges this nation forward in developing a more advanced education in Indonesia, dignity and equal with other nations in science.
Through the National Education Day this year, have determined to promote the Indonesian people through the Education ..
Yth. Para Anggota Senat UM
Ysh. Para Pejabat di Lingkungan UM
Ysh. Ketua Korpri dan Segenap Jajaran Pengurus Korpri UM
Ysh. Para Dosen dan Segenap Karyawan UM
Ysh. Para Mahasiswa
Serta Hadirin yang saya muliakan
Assalaamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur ke hadirat Illahi Robbi, Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang, yang telah memberikan kesempatan kepada kita untuk melaksanakan Upacara Peringatan Hari Pendidikan Nasional (Hardiknas). Marilah keempatan yang baik ini kita gunakan pula untuk mengadakan silaturahim kekeluargaan sejawat di lembaga yang kita cintai ini.
Hadirin yang saya hormati!
Dalam Peringatan Hardiknas kali ini, Mendiknas memberikan tiga makna. Pertama, Hardiknas sebagai momentum untuk merenungkan dan merefleksikan perjalanan panjang yang telah dilalui terkait dengan cita-cita pendidikan nasional yang berciri kepahlawanan dan nasionalisme dalam mencerdaskan bangsa. Kedua, Hardiknas merupakan momentum untuk melakukan introspeksi diri terhadap program-program pendidikan untuk menjamin perolehan hak atas layanan pendidikan tanpa diskriminatif. Ketiga, Hardiknas memberikan peluang kepada kita untuk memprospek pendidikan yang lebih baik sesuai dengan amanat konstitusi yang harus dilaksanakan sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.
Hardiknas tahun ini mengangkat tema “Pendidikan Karakter untuk Membangun Peradaban Bangsa”. Tema itu tidak hanya mengakomodasi perubahan-perubahanan yang terjadi pada perikehidupan bangsa ini, tetapi juga sudah sesuai dengan cita-cita Ki Hajar Dewantoro, bahwa pendidikan merupakan daya upaya untuk memajukan tumbuhnya budi pekerti, pikiran, dan pertumbuhan anak.
Hadirin yang saya hormati!
Marilah Hardiknas ini kita maknai dalam konteks kehidupan institusi kita, UM tercinta yang menjadi kebanggaan civitasnya. Kita harus mengakui bahwa UM dengan kelahirannya setelah era IKIP Malang harus berjuang keras untuk menata dan membangun diri. Banyak dimensi kelembagaan yang harus dibenahi untuk menuju UM yang kita idealkan. UM yang kita idealkan itu secara untuh tercantum dalam Rencana Induk Pengambangan (RIP) UM 2011—2030 dengan periodisasi pencapaian 4 tahunan. Karena itu, perkenankanlah saya mengajak Bapak-bapak, Ibu-ibu, dan Hadirin sekalian untuk memahami kondisi-kondisi UM dari segi kekurangan dan kelebihannya. Dengan pemahaman itu, marilah kita berpartisipasi secara optimal sesuai dengan posisi dan peran kita masing-masing.
Dengan nama UM, kita sedang membangun citra. Untuk itu, penguatan kapasitas kelembagaan untuk meningkatkan layanan yang berkualitas dan memadai merupakan kunci utama keberhasilan membangun citra. Pada dasarnya, peningkatan kapasitas kelembagaan itu terfokus pada (1) Rancang Bangun Program, (2) Struktur Organisasi dan Sistem Manajemen, (3) SDM (kualifikasi, kompetensi, dan kinerja), dan (4) Sarana dan Prasarana (Sarpras).
Dalam rangka membangun citra pula, UM baru saja menggelar Sayembara Cipta Logo dan Desain Stiker UM: The Learning University yang melombakan 4 macam desain, yakni (1) Desain Brand Name Logo, (2) Desain Stiker Billboard, (3) Desain Stiker Bodi Mobil, dan (4) Desain Stiker Cutting, dengan jumlah hadiah keseluruhan sebesar 50 juta rupiah. Lomba itu ternyata tidak hanya berhasil menarik peserta lomba, tetapi juga telah menjadi ajang sosialisasi dan promosi UM kepada masyarakat luas pada tingkat nasional. Peserta berasal dari 43 daerah di seluruh Indonesia, tersebar dari Sumatra sampai Papua. Sebanyak 933 karya diajukan kepada Panitia Lomba. Pada kesempatan ini, izinkanlah saya menyampaikan hasil lomba yang penciptanya juga hadir pada upacara ini.
1. Pemenang Desain Brand Name Logo adalah Constantinus Elang Perkasa, S.Sn, praktisi desain asal Yogyakarta.
2. Pemenang Desain Stiker Billboard adalah Wiwiek Eka Hendrian, karyawan swasta asal Kota Jakarta.
3. Tidak ada pemenang untuk Lomba Desain Stiker Bodi Mobil dan Lomba Stiker Cutting.
Hadirin yang berbahagia!
Sejumlah kemajuan yang berarti sudah kita capai: peningkatan kualifikasi, karir, dan kompetensi SDM, penambahan unit-unit kelembagaan (Fakultas, Program Studi, UPT), dan penguatan sistem manajemen kebijakan satu pintu, serta penambahan sarana dan prasarana manajemen kelembagaan. Untuk itu, pada kesempatan yang baik ini, saya sampaikan penghargaan dan rasa terima kasih yang tulus kepada Saudara-saudara yang telah berperan dalam upaya mencapai kemajuan tersebut.
Dalam penataan aset ada kemajuan yang berarti. Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negera dan Pengadilan Negeri telah mengambil keputusan bahwa Rektor UM dinyatakan sebagai Pihak yang benar dalam penyelesaian kasus rumah negara. Ada juga berita yang menggembirakan. Lahan dan Gedung P4TK PKn dan IPS Malang (dulu Gedung P3G IPS) yang berlokasi di Jalan Veteran sudah diserahkan kembali kepada UM dan menjadi aset yang sangat berharga. Dalam waktu dekat, lahan dan Gedung UT juga akan diserahkan kepada UM dan akan dapat digunakan UM mulai semester gasal tahun akademik 2010/2011.
Hadirin yang berbahagia!
Sejalan dengan pembatalan UU BHP oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi, pilihan landasan manajemen kelembagaan yang berlaku bagi UM adalah Perguruan Tinggi Badan Layanan Umum (PT BLU). Persetujuan Organisasi dan Tata Kerja (OTK) UM dari Menpan sedang kita tunggu. Sambil menunggu turunnya OTK tersebut, kinerja profesional yang merupakan kunci manajemen kelembagaan PT BLU harus sudah dilaksanakan. Dalam kaitan itu, akan diterapkan pula peraturan beban kerja dosen sesuai dengan peraturan yang dikeluarkan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi.
Dalam hal menajemen kelembagaan, pemimpin unit kelembagaan pada berbagai aras memegang peran kunci. Kita semua berharap agar semua pemimpin menjadi teladan berkinerja profesional di lingkungan masing-masing. Pemimpin harus mampu menunjukkan kinerja yang diukur dari standar-standar integritas, loyalitas, kapabilitas, moralitas, dan profesionalitas. Dengan kinerja berdasarkan 5 ukuran itu, nama baik unit kelembagaan akan terjaga, dan senantiasa harus diupayakan agar manajemen kelembagaan tidak meninggalkan jejak noda sedikitpun.
Hadirin yang saya muliakan!
Kita baru saja mengikuti proses suksesi Rektor UM Periode 2010—2014. Terkait dengan suksesi tersebut, pada Upacara Korpri tanggal 17 Maret 2010 saya mengajak hadirin untuk menyambut dan mengikuti suksesi tersebut dengan penuh kearifan atas semangat memelihara keutuhan dan kebersamaan dalam suasana kehidupan keluarga besar UM. Proses pada tataran institusi UM sudah selesai dan hasilnya akan dikirimkan ke Menteri Pendidikan Nasional tanggal 10 Mei 2010 untuk diproses lebih lanjut.
Pada kesempatan yang baik ini, izinkanlah saya mewakili semua unsur pimpinan menyampaikan terima kasih atas kearifan Saudara-saudara dalam mengikuti semua proses suksesi Rektor tersebut mulai awal sampai selesai. Jika pada saat proses tersebut ada kondisi-kondisi yang mengganggu hubungan kesejawatan, pada kesempaan ini pula saya mengajak hadirin untuk tetap menjaga kehidupan kelembagaan yang harmonis dalam keutuhan dan kebersamaan.
Demikian Saudara-saudara. Atas perhatian Saudara-saudara untuk menghadiri upacara ini saya sampaikan terima kasih. Mohon maaf sekiranya ada kesalahan. Mudah-mudahan Tuhan senantiasa bersama kita. Amin.
Wassalaamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Malang, 3 Mei 2010
ON Education Day Commemoration Ceremony
DATE 3 MEI 2010
Designation. Senate Members UM
Ysh. Officials of the Environmental UM
Ysh. Chief Executives Board Korpri and Whole Korpri UM
Ysh. Our Faculty and Staff All UM
Ysh. The Student
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am honored and
Assalaamu 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Let us praise praise to the divine presence Robbi, God the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, who has given us the opportunity to implement the National Education Day Commemoration Ceremony (Education Day). Let this good keempatan we use also to hold a family friendship colleagues at our beloved institution.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
In this time warning Education Day, Minister of Education gives three meanings. First, the Education Day as a momentum to ponder and reflect on the long journey that has been passed related to the ideals of national education, characterized by heroism and nationalism in the nation. Second, the Education Day is a momentum for introspection on educational programs to ensure the acquisition of educational services without discrimination. Third, the Education Day provides an opportunity for us to memprospek better education in accordance with the constitutional mandate that must be carried out in accordance with laws and regulations.
Education Day this year the theme of "Character Education for Developing Nations Civilization." The theme was not only-perubahanan accommodate changes that occurred in this nation's livelihood, but also is in conformity with the ideals of Ki Hajar Dewantoro, that education is an effort to promote the growth of character, mind, and growth of children.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Let us maknai Education Day this in the context of our institutional life, which became the pride of my beloved UM civitasnya. We must recognize that the UM with his birth after the age of Malang Teachers' Training College should strive to organize and establish themselves. Many institutional dimensions that must be addressed toward us idealkan UM. UM idealkan that we are untuh thresholded listed in the Master Plan (RIP) 2011-2030 UM with the achievement of four annual periods. Therefore, let me ask gentlemen, Ladies, and Ladies and Gentlemen to understand the conditions of UM in terms of lack and excess. With that understanding, let us participate in an optimal fit with the position and role of each of us.
With UM's name, we are building an image. Therefore, strengthening the institutional capacity to improve quality and adequate services is key to the success of building the image. Basically, institutional capacity building was focused on (1) Program Design, (2) Organizational Structure and Management System, (3) human resources (qualifications, competence, and performance), and (4) Facilities and Infrastructure (Sarpras).
In order to build the image of all, UM had just held a competition Notices Stickers UM Logo and Design: The Learning University that feature four kinds of design, namely (1) Brand Name Logo Design, (2) Design Stickers Billboard, (3) Car Body Design Stickers , and (4) Design Stickers Cutting, with a total overall prize of 50 million rupiah. The competition turned out to be not only succeeded in attracting contestants, but also has become a means of socialization and the promotion of UM to the general public at the national level. Participants came from 43 regions throughout Indonesia, spread from Sumatra to Papua. A total of 933 works submitted to the Competition Committee. On this occasion, allow me to convey the results of the race whose authors also present at this ceremony.
1. Brand Name Logo Design Winner is Elang Perkasa Constantine, S. Sn, home design practitioners Yogyakarta.
2. Billboard is the winner of Design Stickers Wiwiek Eka Hendrian, private sector employees home city of Jakarta.
3. There are no winners for the Contest and Car Body Design Competition Stickers Stickers Cutting.
Ladies and happy!
A number of significant progress we have achieved: improvement of qualifications, career, and the competence of human resources, the addition of institutional units (Faculties, Study Program, UPT), and the strengthening of one-door policy management system, and increasing numbers of institutional facilities and infrastructure management. For that, on this great opportunity, my appreciation and sincere gratitude to the brothers and sisters who have participated in the effort to achieve such progress.
In structuring the assets have significant progress. Administrative Court and Court of countries have taken the decision that the Rector of UM expressed as a Party that is true in the home country to settle the case. There is also news. Land and Building P4TK PKN and IPS Malang (formerly IPS P3G Building) located at Jalan Veteran had been transferred back to UM and became a valuable asset. In the near future, the land and building will also be submitted to UT UM and UM will be used starting odd semester of the academic year 2010/2011.
Ladies and happy!
Along with the cancellation of BHP by the Constitutional Court Act, the choice of institutional management platform that is applicable to UM Higher Education Public Service Board (PT BLU). Approval Organization and Work (method could) from UM are we waiting for the minister. While waiting for the method could decrease, professional performance which is a key institutional management of PT BLU should have been executed. In this regard, will be applied also legislation faculty workload in accordance with regulations issued by the Directorate General of Higher Education.
In terms of institutional management, institutional unit leaders at various levels play a key role. We all hope that all leaders are role models of professional performers in their respective environment. Leaders must be able to demonstrate measurable performance standards of integrity, loyalty, capabilities, morality, and professionalism. With performance based on five measures, the good name of the institutional unit will be maintained, and always should be sought so that the institutional management did not leave the slightest trace of stain.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am honored!
We just follow the process of succession Rector of UM Period 2010-2014. In connection with the succession, the ceremony Korpri date March 17, 2010 I invited the audience to welcome and follow it with a succession of management wisdom of maintaining the spirit of unity and togetherness in an atmosphere of big family life UM. UM process at the level of institutions already completed and the results will be sent to the Minister of National Education dated May 10, 2010 for further processing.
On this good opportunity, allow me to represent all the elements to thank the leadership of brothers wisdom in following all of the Rector of the succession process began earlier to complete. If during this process there are conditions that interfere with the relationship kesejawatan, at this kesempaan I also invite the audience to keep life harmonious within the institutional integrity and togetherness.
Likewise gentlemen. Gentlemen your attention to attend this ceremony I would like to thank you. We apologize if there was an error. I hope God is always with us. Amen.
Wassalaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Malang, May 3, 2010
Yth. Para Anggota Senat UM
Ysh. Para Pejabat di Lingkungan UM
Ysh. Ketua Korpri dan Segenap Jajaran Pengurus Korpri UM
Ysh. Para Dosen dan Segenap Karyawan UM
Ysh. Para Mahasiswa
Serta Hadirin yang saya muliakan
Assalaamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur ke hadirat Illahi Robbi, Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang, yang telah memberikan kesempatan kepada kita untuk melaksanakan Upacara Peringatan Hari Pendidikan Nasional (Hardiknas). Marilah keempatan yang baik ini kita gunakan pula untuk mengadakan silaturahim kekeluargaan sejawat di lembaga yang kita cintai ini.
Hadirin yang saya hormati!
Dalam Peringatan Hardiknas kali ini, Mendiknas memberikan tiga makna. Pertama, Hardiknas sebagai momentum untuk merenungkan dan merefleksikan perjalanan panjang yang telah dilalui terkait dengan cita-cita pendidikan nasional yang berciri kepahlawanan dan nasionalisme dalam mencerdaskan bangsa. Kedua, Hardiknas merupakan momentum untuk melakukan introspeksi diri terhadap program-program pendidikan untuk menjamin perolehan hak atas layanan pendidikan tanpa diskriminatif. Ketiga, Hardiknas memberikan peluang kepada kita untuk memprospek pendidikan yang lebih baik sesuai dengan amanat konstitusi yang harus dilaksanakan sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.
Hardiknas tahun ini mengangkat tema “Pendidikan Karakter untuk Membangun Peradaban Bangsa”. Tema itu tidak hanya mengakomodasi perubahan-perubahanan yang terjadi pada perikehidupan bangsa ini, tetapi juga sudah sesuai dengan cita-cita Ki Hajar Dewantoro, bahwa pendidikan merupakan daya upaya untuk memajukan tumbuhnya budi pekerti, pikiran, dan pertumbuhan anak.
Hadirin yang saya hormati!
Marilah Hardiknas ini kita maknai dalam konteks kehidupan institusi kita, UM tercinta yang menjadi kebanggaan civitasnya. Kita harus mengakui bahwa UM dengan kelahirannya setelah era IKIP Malang harus berjuang keras untuk menata dan membangun diri. Banyak dimensi kelembagaan yang harus dibenahi untuk menuju UM yang kita idealkan. UM yang kita idealkan itu secara untuh tercantum dalam Rencana Induk Pengambangan (RIP) UM 2011—2030 dengan periodisasi pencapaian 4 tahunan. Karena itu, perkenankanlah saya mengajak Bapak-bapak, Ibu-ibu, dan Hadirin sekalian untuk memahami kondisi-kondisi UM dari segi kekurangan dan kelebihannya. Dengan pemahaman itu, marilah kita berpartisipasi secara optimal sesuai dengan posisi dan peran kita masing-masing.
Dengan nama UM, kita sedang membangun citra. Untuk itu, penguatan kapasitas kelembagaan untuk meningkatkan layanan yang berkualitas dan memadai merupakan kunci utama keberhasilan membangun citra. Pada dasarnya, peningkatan kapasitas kelembagaan itu terfokus pada (1) Rancang Bangun Program, (2) Struktur Organisasi dan Sistem Manajemen, (3) SDM (kualifikasi, kompetensi, dan kinerja), dan (4) Sarana dan Prasarana (Sarpras).
Dalam rangka membangun citra pula, UM baru saja menggelar Sayembara Cipta Logo dan Desain Stiker UM: The Learning University yang melombakan 4 macam desain, yakni (1) Desain Brand Name Logo, (2) Desain Stiker Billboard, (3) Desain Stiker Bodi Mobil, dan (4) Desain Stiker Cutting, dengan jumlah hadiah keseluruhan sebesar 50 juta rupiah. Lomba itu ternyata tidak hanya berhasil menarik peserta lomba, tetapi juga telah menjadi ajang sosialisasi dan promosi UM kepada masyarakat luas pada tingkat nasional. Peserta berasal dari 43 daerah di seluruh Indonesia, tersebar dari Sumatra sampai Papua. Sebanyak 933 karya diajukan kepada Panitia Lomba. Pada kesempatan ini, izinkanlah saya menyampaikan hasil lomba yang penciptanya juga hadir pada upacara ini.
1. Pemenang Desain Brand Name Logo adalah Constantinus Elang Perkasa, S.Sn, praktisi desain asal Yogyakarta.
2. Pemenang Desain Stiker Billboard adalah Wiwiek Eka Hendrian, karyawan swasta asal Kota Jakarta.
3. Tidak ada pemenang untuk Lomba Desain Stiker Bodi Mobil dan Lomba Stiker Cutting.
Hadirin yang berbahagia!
Sejumlah kemajuan yang berarti sudah kita capai: peningkatan kualifikasi, karir, dan kompetensi SDM, penambahan unit-unit kelembagaan (Fakultas, Program Studi, UPT), dan penguatan sistem manajemen kebijakan satu pintu, serta penambahan sarana dan prasarana manajemen kelembagaan. Untuk itu, pada kesempatan yang baik ini, saya sampaikan penghargaan dan rasa terima kasih yang tulus kepada Saudara-saudara yang telah berperan dalam upaya mencapai kemajuan tersebut.
Dalam penataan aset ada kemajuan yang berarti. Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negera dan Pengadilan Negeri telah mengambil keputusan bahwa Rektor UM dinyatakan sebagai Pihak yang benar dalam penyelesaian kasus rumah negara. Ada juga berita yang menggembirakan. Lahan dan Gedung P4TK PKn dan IPS Malang (dulu Gedung P3G IPS) yang berlokasi di Jalan Veteran sudah diserahkan kembali kepada UM dan menjadi aset yang sangat berharga. Dalam waktu dekat, lahan dan Gedung UT juga akan diserahkan kepada UM dan akan dapat digunakan UM mulai semester gasal tahun akademik 2010/2011.
Hadirin yang berbahagia!
Sejalan dengan pembatalan UU BHP oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi, pilihan landasan manajemen kelembagaan yang berlaku bagi UM adalah Perguruan Tinggi Badan Layanan Umum (PT BLU). Persetujuan Organisasi dan Tata Kerja (OTK) UM dari Menpan sedang kita tunggu. Sambil menunggu turunnya OTK tersebut, kinerja profesional yang merupakan kunci manajemen kelembagaan PT BLU harus sudah dilaksanakan. Dalam kaitan itu, akan diterapkan pula peraturan beban kerja dosen sesuai dengan peraturan yang dikeluarkan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi.
Dalam hal menajemen kelembagaan, pemimpin unit kelembagaan pada berbagai aras memegang peran kunci. Kita semua berharap agar semua pemimpin menjadi teladan berkinerja profesional di lingkungan masing-masing. Pemimpin harus mampu menunjukkan kinerja yang diukur dari standar-standar integritas, loyalitas, kapabilitas, moralitas, dan profesionalitas. Dengan kinerja berdasarkan 5 ukuran itu, nama baik unit kelembagaan akan terjaga, dan senantiasa harus diupayakan agar manajemen kelembagaan tidak meninggalkan jejak noda sedikitpun.
Hadirin yang saya muliakan!
Kita baru saja mengikuti proses suksesi Rektor UM Periode 2010—2014. Terkait dengan suksesi tersebut, pada Upacara Korpri tanggal 17 Maret 2010 saya mengajak hadirin untuk menyambut dan mengikuti suksesi tersebut dengan penuh kearifan atas semangat memelihara keutuhan dan kebersamaan dalam suasana kehidupan keluarga besar UM. Proses pada tataran institusi UM sudah selesai dan hasilnya akan dikirimkan ke Menteri Pendidikan Nasional tanggal 10 Mei 2010 untuk diproses lebih lanjut.
Pada kesempatan yang baik ini, izinkanlah saya mewakili semua unsur pimpinan menyampaikan terima kasih atas kearifan Saudara-saudara dalam mengikuti semua proses suksesi Rektor tersebut mulai awal sampai selesai. Jika pada saat proses tersebut ada kondisi-kondisi yang mengganggu hubungan kesejawatan, pada kesempaan ini pula saya mengajak hadirin untuk tetap menjaga kehidupan kelembagaan yang harmonis dalam keutuhan dan kebersamaan.
Demikian Saudara-saudara. Atas perhatian Saudara-saudara untuk menghadiri upacara ini saya sampaikan terima kasih. Mohon maaf sekiranya ada kesalahan. Mudah-mudahan Tuhan senantiasa bersama kita. Amin.
Wassalaamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Malang, 3 Mei 2010
ON Education Day Commemoration Ceremony
DATE 3 MEI 2010
Designation. Senate Members UM
Ysh. Officials of the Environmental UM
Ysh. Chief Executives Board Korpri and Whole Korpri UM
Ysh. Our Faculty and Staff All UM
Ysh. The Student
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am honored and
Assalaamu 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Let us praise praise to the divine presence Robbi, God the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, who has given us the opportunity to implement the National Education Day Commemoration Ceremony (Education Day). Let this good keempatan we use also to hold a family friendship colleagues at our beloved institution.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
In this time warning Education Day, Minister of Education gives three meanings. First, the Education Day as a momentum to ponder and reflect on the long journey that has been passed related to the ideals of national education, characterized by heroism and nationalism in the nation. Second, the Education Day is a momentum for introspection on educational programs to ensure the acquisition of educational services without discrimination. Third, the Education Day provides an opportunity for us to memprospek better education in accordance with the constitutional mandate that must be carried out in accordance with laws and regulations.
Education Day this year the theme of "Character Education for Developing Nations Civilization." The theme was not only-perubahanan accommodate changes that occurred in this nation's livelihood, but also is in conformity with the ideals of Ki Hajar Dewantoro, that education is an effort to promote the growth of character, mind, and growth of children.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Let us maknai Education Day this in the context of our institutional life, which became the pride of my beloved UM civitasnya. We must recognize that the UM with his birth after the age of Malang Teachers' Training College should strive to organize and establish themselves. Many institutional dimensions that must be addressed toward us idealkan UM. UM idealkan that we are untuh thresholded listed in the Master Plan (RIP) 2011-2030 UM with the achievement of four annual periods. Therefore, let me ask gentlemen, Ladies, and Ladies and Gentlemen to understand the conditions of UM in terms of lack and excess. With that understanding, let us participate in an optimal fit with the position and role of each of us.
With UM's name, we are building an image. Therefore, strengthening the institutional capacity to improve quality and adequate services is key to the success of building the image. Basically, institutional capacity building was focused on (1) Program Design, (2) Organizational Structure and Management System, (3) human resources (qualifications, competence, and performance), and (4) Facilities and Infrastructure (Sarpras).
In order to build the image of all, UM had just held a competition Notices Stickers UM Logo and Design: The Learning University that feature four kinds of design, namely (1) Brand Name Logo Design, (2) Design Stickers Billboard, (3) Car Body Design Stickers , and (4) Design Stickers Cutting, with a total overall prize of 50 million rupiah. The competition turned out to be not only succeeded in attracting contestants, but also has become a means of socialization and the promotion of UM to the general public at the national level. Participants came from 43 regions throughout Indonesia, spread from Sumatra to Papua. A total of 933 works submitted to the Competition Committee. On this occasion, allow me to convey the results of the race whose authors also present at this ceremony.
1. Brand Name Logo Design Winner is Elang Perkasa Constantine, S. Sn, home design practitioners Yogyakarta.
2. Billboard is the winner of Design Stickers Wiwiek Eka Hendrian, private sector employees home city of Jakarta.
3. There are no winners for the Contest and Car Body Design Competition Stickers Stickers Cutting.
Ladies and happy!
A number of significant progress we have achieved: improvement of qualifications, career, and the competence of human resources, the addition of institutional units (Faculties, Study Program, UPT), and the strengthening of one-door policy management system, and increasing numbers of institutional facilities and infrastructure management. For that, on this great opportunity, my appreciation and sincere gratitude to the brothers and sisters who have participated in the effort to achieve such progress.
In structuring the assets have significant progress. Administrative Court and Court of countries have taken the decision that the Rector of UM expressed as a Party that is true in the home country to settle the case. There is also news. Land and Building P4TK PKN and IPS Malang (formerly IPS P3G Building) located at Jalan Veteran had been transferred back to UM and became a valuable asset. In the near future, the land and building will also be submitted to UT UM and UM will be used starting odd semester of the academic year 2010/2011.
Ladies and happy!
Along with the cancellation of BHP by the Constitutional Court Act, the choice of institutional management platform that is applicable to UM Higher Education Public Service Board (PT BLU). Approval Organization and Work (method could) from UM are we waiting for the minister. While waiting for the method could decrease, professional performance which is a key institutional management of PT BLU should have been executed. In this regard, will be applied also legislation faculty workload in accordance with regulations issued by the Directorate General of Higher Education.
In terms of institutional management, institutional unit leaders at various levels play a key role. We all hope that all leaders are role models of professional performers in their respective environment. Leaders must be able to demonstrate measurable performance standards of integrity, loyalty, capabilities, morality, and professionalism. With performance based on five measures, the good name of the institutional unit will be maintained, and always should be sought so that the institutional management did not leave the slightest trace of stain.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am honored!
We just follow the process of succession Rector of UM Period 2010-2014. In connection with the succession, the ceremony Korpri date March 17, 2010 I invited the audience to welcome and follow it with a succession of management wisdom of maintaining the spirit of unity and togetherness in an atmosphere of big family life UM. UM process at the level of institutions already completed and the results will be sent to the Minister of National Education dated May 10, 2010 for further processing.
On this good opportunity, allow me to represent all the elements to thank the leadership of brothers wisdom in following all of the Rector of the succession process began earlier to complete. If during this process there are conditions that interfere with the relationship kesejawatan, at this kesempaan I also invite the audience to keep life harmonious within the institutional integrity and togetherness.
Likewise gentlemen. Gentlemen your attention to attend this ceremony I would like to thank you. We apologize if there was an error. I hope God is always with us. Amen.
Wassalaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Malang, May 3, 2010
Good afternoon,
Dear Principal SMP Santa Ursula BSD, Victoria Istiningsih.
Dear Vice Principal SMP Santa Ursula BSD Eusthasia Suwarti.
Dear teachers SMP Santa Ursula BSD.
And all junior high students a happy Santa Ursula BSD.
Thank God I say praise to God almighty for all his gifts, I am also grateful to the teachers who have organized this event. Do not forget to thank my friends who have supported this event.
On occasion this time, I want to invite us all to recall, some patterns of life that we do on the cause of globalization. Whether globalization is very influential in our lives? I look forward to the opportunity this time, we all know, how big the impact of globalization in our lives. I also hope we can all face the impact of globalization.
In this 21st century, globalization became a regular thing for us. Globalization, meaning the global process. Obviously, all aspects of life to feel its effects. For example, in the field of transportation. Every day we can see the whole street packed with various types of motor vehicles. For example cars. In fact, before the car was found, usually people would walk for a journey, even a very long though. In addition to the field of transport, aspects of life is affected by the globalization of telecommunications. Currently mobile phone is a communication tool that has been owned by anyone. In addition to cellular phones, the no less important is the internet. Globalization requires us to have a computer equipped with Internet network.
In the culinary field, the impact of globalization is also quite large. Western cuisine became very popular throughout the world. For example Pizza Hut, KFC, CFC, Hoka Hoka Bento, and so forth. This causes the typical food in the country becomes less attractive. No less important, aspect of life that are also feeling the impact of globalization is the fashion. Today is a worldwide trend that is from western countries. If the Indonesian people prefer trends overseas, who would preserve the culture of Indonesia?
Sports sector is also feeling the impact of globalization. Currently the world is very interested in soccer, basketball, badminton, and many others. Not just sports activities, supporting tools also come to feel the impact of globalization. Examples of shoes. Shoes become a very important support tool. Model and any form of footwear should be adjusted to his sport.
From some aspects that I mentioned earlier, it is clear that globalization is very influential on all aspects of life. Each person can indeed feel the influence. As good citizens, we should be able to face the impact of globalization. We must be able to take positive values and discard negative values. For example, by selecting a foreign culture into our country. We must be able to choose a good culture, which does not conflict with existing norms in our country. Because culture in the city are characteristic of our own country, we must guard. In order not to lose information, we must keep abreast of information and technology.
So there are many ways that we can do to deal with the impact of globalization. We may feel the effects, but we must take a positive impact, and discard the negative impacts.
Hopefully what I have said earlier is useful for all of us who are here. I hope that with the globalization of this everyone can take positive values. Thank you for the attention of teachers, friends, and their principals and vice principals SMP Santa Ursula BSD. And so, good afternoon.
Brethren! What I respect the Darul Qalam Stai Lecturers Drs. Habibullah. What I respect the student / student Stai Darul Qalam. How happy I am as served as mother to the State of Indonesia, on this day! Today, we celebrate National Education Day, which housed the palace field on May 2, 2007. With hopefully we commemorate National Education more spirit / risen to advance education and educating children to be useful to the nation the nation, state and school age children Agama.Pertambahan fast and graduates of each level of education added a large, but not followed by the addition of infrastructure and facilities rapid and adequate education, creating problems for the government to provide "education and teaching" in all citizens as mandated by the Basic Law.
This issue is crucial because we have the various geographically vast and scattered archipelago levels of social-economic-cultural differences. When was the first time REPELITA with emphasis on the implementation of economic development which is seen as the foundation for other aspects of national development. In education reform focused attention on efforts to amend and improve the quality and arrangement of the opportunity to education. Regarding the latter is hard to achieve if only through the conventional ways of utilizing technology and communication, information, radio and television. In 2007 the government has set a national budget for education amounted to 20% for primary, junior and senior high school. Programs and activities that are not made solely on the basis of the number of school buildings, teachers, books and others. We can identify several alternatives are:
1. Additional capacity SLP conducted either by the addition of new schools
2. Increasing the capacity of private schools
3. Development of correspondence school open with the media, module, radio broadcasts, television broadcasts and other
4. The opening of the courses of practical skills outside of school for distribution channels kemasyarkat ..
Ki Hajar Dewantara (1889-1959) a leading figure who established the Indonesian education institutions Park students. He is more famous for its philosophy of "tut wuri handayani, until middle Mangun intention, hing tulada ngarso sung. Dewantara classify pandidikan goals with the term "tri-nga" (three "nga-nga is the last letter in the Javanese alphabet ajisak). "Nga" was first understood "(understanding / intellectual aspects). "Nga second" is "ngrasa" (to feel affection aspects), and "nga" third is "nglakoni" (teaching or psychomotor aspects). Formulate educational goals that include aspects of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. According Dewantara, is the right of each person to set himself, therefore teaching must educate children to become independent in mind, thought and energy. Teaching should not give priority to intellectual mind because it can separate people with rakyat.Akhir tepelajar, I hope the Indonesian people to improve and achieve more and create children students more productive, creative, innovative and useful to the nation and the State, Creating human resources quality and independence that can meet global demand.
Assalamualaikum WR WB, father / mother and their teacher colleagues who I respect, first of all let us praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God who gave grace and hidayahnya to all of us so that we can gather in this place, I extend many thanks for the opportunity given to me to deliver a speech titled "The Influence of Television on Students." Before I began my speech I would like to convey my problem definition that will convey in a speech today, namely, among others, the influence of television in terms of positive and negative.
When we see the general effect of television on students tanpak indeed very useful and meaningful because the television media was a means of delivering information is the most effective and efficient, in terms of effective and efficient delivery of information in terms of price to obtain this information. With television media insights and knowledge a student can grow rapidly in line with the development of existing technology. Many positive things that can be taken from the television media such as this ie, information about current news, general science, entertainment / entertainment, and many others.
A student should always know the latest information that occurred worldwide in order to add insight and knowledge from the students themselves, who can he use to develop himself in the future, because the information can become better human beings than ever before, while for the field of entertainment / amusement , this of course serves to reduce the sense of weariness or boredom on each student in his teenage years or in periods of study, why is that? Because each student's developing will experience one thing that the name "bored" and this needs to be prevented by activities that are entertaining / reflection which can make it always "Fresh" and positive thinking, making it is always active and creative.
Apart from the insight and knowledge that can be obtained by students of television, the intimacy between the families will be created that makes students feel comfortable in between the family because the family is also one of the main factors determining the success of a student myself, besides it also can educate parents their children more easily through the medium of television and the elderly are more easily provide guidance to the child so the child will not feel burdened to understand what is wanted by his parents. Such matters is one that we can feel / see the positive side effects of television on students, but other than that a lot of negative things that can happen if students had been influenced by television, such as lazy, modeled on the things that are not good / negative, such as how to mingle, talk, look, as well as personal.
Lazy is the most often occurs when a student has been affected by watching television so much fun learning to forget, and this is very harmful for the students themselves because with the lazy he will not get anything and what he's ideals aiming for in life, therefore it is wonderful for parents to limit television viewing time and filter the impressions that match the needs of the child, other than lazy television a bad influence on children's behavior that is modeled on things that are not supposed to be in the example, suppose children aged under five years of watching television shows for adults, of course this is very "dangerous" because the child can mature before adulthood, referring to the actions undertaken by adults should not be emulated by young children, such as violence, such as lifestyle-looking, outgoing, and style- speaking style that is not in accordance with the rules of good language, and so forth. It also requires parents to control the impressions that such an adult nature. If this is already happening so negativ then we can see the personality of the students themselves will change and "Possible" detrimental to all parties, including himself.
Conclusion is that, every thing that exists in this world would have different rules and views that is, good and bad, as well as with the television media, which should be used for good things but still having an impact that is not good for some people and / or function. Thus the role of parents to educate children (students) are very important as well as awareness of the students themselves should be high and is responsible for what he wanted to do with guidance from teachers and positive activities that he did while he was within the school.
I say thank you for your attention, akhirul said, wassalamualaikum WR WB.
Assalamualaikum WR WB, father / mother and their teacher colleagues who I respect, first of all let us praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God who gave grace and hidayahnya to all of us so that we can gather in this place, I extend many thanks for the opportunity given to me to deliver a speech titled "The Influence of Internet on Teenagers."
Before I began my speech I would like to convey my problem definition that will convey in a speech today, which include; influence of the internet on the teenagers in terms of positive and negative terms.
Internet, word is no stranger to the ear of each person, especially the teenagers who always hang out with the tech world of luxury, luxurious, and practical, the Internet can be found wherever we are, to capitalize mobile phone that has an Internet connection, the internet can be accessed with ease through HP wherever we are, or if not, in every corner of the city must have an Internet service that sells Warung or commonly called the "Internet Cafe", Information World Without Borders, that's how people call it, I am not so sure but what is virtually such circumstances, the existence of the Internet, access or street towards the delivery of information-information that exist in this world can be taken easily as he turned his hand or blink.
A lot of science is so abundant there, information about anything can be found at this internet universe, then what to do with students? Of course, very closely related to the student because the student whose name does not escape with the information and science, the internet is the most effective media and easy to come by and accessible by anyone anywhere, although can not be denied that because of this freedom can occur also abusers use of Internet facilities as a means of Criminality or obscene, students new to the Internet typically use this facility to search for weird things? As the pictures are not obscene, or weird videos that are "immoral" which can affect the soul and personality of the students themselves, so that the students affected, and disrupt his concentration on the learning process at school.
However, not all students do so, only a handful of students who are curious just who can do it for less memiliki sense of responsibility towards themselves personally and surrounding areas, but in general the Internet is used by each student to seek or obtain information relating to the subject matter which he received in school, it allows students to become more creative and more active in seeking other sources of information and science compared with students who just sat quietly in front of the table and listen to the teacher talk.
This can be a motivator for students to continue to grow and also acts as a shredder (youth), teenagers are creatures that are vulnerable to the changes around him, he will follow the most dominant thing that is nearby so the possibility of a drastic change in times adolescence will lead to where the teenager will run, positive or negative direction depending on where in the start.
Teenagers who daily interact with the Internet will be more responsive to changes in the surrounding information because he was accustomed to and more aware of such information so that he more than others. But in addition, adolescents who have a negative tendency in the opposite case, he will appear passive because only enslaved by the ease and wealth of information from the internet.
Therefore it would be nice if we can wisely use this facility with the best in terms of positive progress for the sake of ourselves and our personal, and as teenagers we all should be able to master the technology that was running hard in this era, because then we 'll come running to welcome the future.
I say thank you for your attention, akhirul said, wassalamualaikum WR WB.
EXAMPLE Parting school graduation speech
Dear Mr. Principal, Mr. and Mrs. Teacher, and friends that I love.
First of all let us praise gratitude to God Almighty for His mercy for all on this day we can come together to hold a farewell ceremony school.
The gentlemen who I respect, allow me to represent my friends to convey a word or two in the framework of this separation.
During school, we as students are very proud and grateful to all teachers who have taught at this school, which is very good, never favoritism in educating, very patient and tireless in guiding us. Thanks to the efforts of all teachers, we were able to graduate from junior high school.
I hope all the teachers in charge of teaching at this school can be given good health and happiness always given.
Also for teman2 all. It feels hard to part with you all, because we've bersama2 for three years. But still I also pray teman2 can all move on to higher education, both to high school, to CMS, the STM and other educational institutions to be able to achieve so far diangan2kan cita2.
Finally, I would say success is always made teman2, my prayer is with teman2 all ...
Good afternoon,
Dear Principal SMP Santa Ursula BSD, Victoria Istiningsih.
Dear Vice Principal SMP Santa Ursula BSD Eusthasia Suwarti.
Dear teachers SMP Santa Ursula BSD.
And all junior high students a happy Santa Ursula BSD.
Thank God I say praise to God almighty for all his gifts, I am also grateful to the teachers who have organized this event. Do not forget to thank my friends who have supported this event.
On occasion this time, I want to invite us all to recall, some patterns of life that we do on the cause of globalization. Whether globalization is very influential in our lives? I look forward to the opportunity this time, we all know, how big the impact of globalization in our lives. I also hope we can all face the impact of globalization.
In this 21st century, globalization became a regular thing for us. Globalization, meaning the global process. Obviously, all aspects of life to feel its effects. For example, in the field of transportation. Every day we can see the whole street packed with various types of motor vehicles. For example cars. In fact, before the car was found, usually people would walk for a journey, even a very long though. In addition to the field of transport, aspects of life is affected by the globalization of telecommunications. Currently mobile phone is a communication tool that has been owned by anyone. In addition to cellular phones, the no less important is the internet. Globalization requires us to have a computer equipped with Internet network.
In the culinary field, the impact of globalization is also quite large. Western cuisine became very popular throughout the world. For example Pizza Hut, KFC, CFC, Hoka Hoka Bento, and so forth. This causes the typical food in the country becomes less attractive. No less important, aspect of life that are also feeling the impact of globalization is the fashion. Today is a worldwide trend that is from western countries. If the Indonesian people prefer trends overseas, who would preserve the culture of Indonesia?
Sports sector is also feeling the impact of globalization. Currently the world is very interested in soccer, basketball, badminton, and many others. Not just sports activities, supporting tools also come to feel the impact of globalization. Examples of shoes. Shoes become a very important support tool. Model and any form of footwear should be adjusted to his sport.
From some aspects that I mentioned earlier, it is clear that globalization is very influential on all aspects of life. Each person can indeed feel the influence. As good citizens, we should be able to face the impact of globalization. We must be able to take positive values and discard negative values. For example, by selecting a foreign culture into our country. We must be able to choose a good culture, which does not conflict with existing norms in our country. Because culture in the city are characteristic of our own country, we must guard. In order not to lose information, we must keep abreast of information and technology.
So there are many ways that we can do to deal with the impact of globalization. We may feel the effects, but we must take a positive impact, and discard the negative impacts.
Hopefully what I have said earlier is useful for all of us who are here. I hope that with the globalization of this everyone can take positive values. Thank you for the attention of teachers, friends, and their principals and vice principals SMP Santa Ursula BSD. And so, good afternoon.
Brethren! What I respect the Darul Qalam Stai Lecturers Drs. Habibullah. What I respect the student / student Stai Darul Qalam. How happy I am as served as mother to the State of Indonesia, on this day! Today, we celebrate National Education Day, which housed the palace field on May 2, 2007. With hopefully we commemorate National Education more spirit / risen to advance education and educating children to be useful to the nation the nation, state and school age children Agama.Pertambahan fast and graduates of each level of education added a large, but not followed by the addition of infrastructure and facilities rapid and adequate education, creating problems for the government to provide "education and teaching" in all citizens as mandated by the Basic Law.
This issue is crucial because we have the various geographically vast and scattered archipelago levels of social-economic-cultural differences. When was the first time REPELITA with emphasis on the implementation of economic development which is seen as the foundation for other aspects of national development. In education reform focused attention on efforts to amend and improve the quality and arrangement of the opportunity to education. Regarding the latter is hard to achieve if only through the conventional ways of utilizing technology and communication, information, radio and television. In 2007 the government has set a national budget for education amounted to 20% for primary, junior and senior high school. Programs and activities that are not made solely on the basis of the number of school buildings, teachers, books and others. We can identify several alternatives are:
1. Additional capacity SLP conducted either by the addition of new schools
2. Increasing the capacity of private schools
3. Development of correspondence school open with the media, module, radio broadcasts, television broadcasts and other
4. The opening of the courses of practical skills outside of school for distribution channels kemasyarkat ..
Ki Hajar Dewantara (1889-1959) a leading figure who established the Indonesian education institutions Park students. He is more famous for its philosophy of "tut wuri handayani, until middle Mangun intention, hing tulada ngarso sung. Dewantara classify pandidikan goals with the term "tri-nga" (three "nga-nga is the last letter in the Javanese alphabet ajisak). "Nga" was first understood "(understanding / intellectual aspects). "Nga second" is "ngrasa" (to feel affection aspects), and "nga" third is "nglakoni" (teaching or psychomotor aspects). Formulate educational goals that include aspects of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. According Dewantara, is the right of each person to set himself, therefore teaching must educate children to become independent in mind, thought and energy. Teaching should not give priority to intellectual mind because it can separate people with rakyat.Akhir tepelajar, I hope the Indonesian people to improve and achieve more and create children students more productive, creative, innovative and useful to the nation and the State, Creating human resources quality and independence that can meet global demand.
Assalamualaikum WR WB, father / mother and their teacher colleagues who I respect, first of all let us praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God who gave grace and hidayahnya to all of us so that we can gather in this place, I extend many thanks for the opportunity given to me to deliver a speech titled "The Influence of Television on Students." Before I began my speech I would like to convey my problem definition that will convey in a speech today, namely, among others, the influence of television in terms of positive and negative.
When we see the general effect of television on students tanpak indeed very useful and meaningful because the television media was a means of delivering information is the most effective and efficient, in terms of effective and efficient delivery of information in terms of price to obtain this information. With television media insights and knowledge a student can grow rapidly in line with the development of existing technology. Many positive things that can be taken from the television media such as this ie, information about current news, general science, entertainment / entertainment, and many others.
A student should always know the latest information that occurred worldwide in order to add insight and knowledge from the students themselves, who can he use to develop himself in the future, because the information can become better human beings than ever before, while for the field of entertainment / amusement , this of course serves to reduce the sense of weariness or boredom on each student in his teenage years or in periods of study, why is that? Because each student's developing will experience one thing that the name "bored" and this needs to be prevented by activities that are entertaining / reflection which can make it always "Fresh" and positive thinking, making it is always active and creative.
Apart from the insight and knowledge that can be obtained by students of television, the intimacy between the families will be created that makes students feel comfortable in between the family because the family is also one of the main factors determining the success of a student myself, besides it also can educate parents their children more easily through the medium of television and the elderly are more easily provide guidance to the child so the child will not feel burdened to understand what is wanted by his parents. Such matters is one that we can feel / see the positive side effects of television on students, but other than that a lot of negative things that can happen if students had been influenced by television, such as lazy, modeled on the things that are not good / negative, such as how to mingle, talk, look, as well as personal.
Lazy is the most often occurs when a student has been affected by watching television so much fun learning to forget, and this is very harmful for the students themselves because with the lazy he will not get anything and what he's ideals aiming for in life, therefore it is wonderful for parents to limit television viewing time and filter the impressions that match the needs of the child, other than lazy television a bad influence on children's behavior that is modeled on things that are not supposed to be in the example, suppose children aged under five years of watching television shows for adults, of course this is very "dangerous" because the child can mature before adulthood, referring to the actions undertaken by adults should not be emulated by young children, such as violence, such as lifestyle-looking, outgoing, and style- speaking style that is not in accordance with the rules of good language, and so forth. It also requires parents to control the impressions that such an adult nature. If this is already happening so negativ then we can see the personality of the students themselves will change and "Possible" detrimental to all parties, including himself.
Conclusion is that, every thing that exists in this world would have different rules and views that is, good and bad, as well as with the television media, which should be used for good things but still having an impact that is not good for some people and / or function. Thus the role of parents to educate children (students) are very important as well as awareness of the students themselves should be high and is responsible for what he wanted to do with guidance from teachers and positive activities that he did while he was within the school.
I say thank you for your attention, akhirul said, wassalamualaikum WR WB.
Assalamualaikum WR WB, father / mother and their teacher colleagues who I respect, first of all let us praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God who gave grace and hidayahnya to all of us so that we can gather in this place, I extend many thanks for the opportunity given to me to deliver a speech titled "The Influence of Internet on Teenagers."
Before I began my speech I would like to convey my problem definition that will convey in a speech today, which include; influence of the internet on the teenagers in terms of positive and negative terms.
Internet, word is no stranger to the ear of each person, especially the teenagers who always hang out with the tech world of luxury, luxurious, and practical, the Internet can be found wherever we are, to capitalize mobile phone that has an Internet connection, the internet can be accessed with ease through HP wherever we are, or if not, in every corner of the city must have an Internet service that sells Warung or commonly called the "Internet Cafe", Information World Without Borders, that's how people call it, I am not so sure but what is virtually such circumstances, the existence of the Internet, access or street towards the delivery of information-information that exist in this world can be taken easily as he turned his hand or blink.
A lot of science is so abundant there, information about anything can be found at this internet universe, then what to do with students? Of course, very closely related to the student because the student whose name does not escape with the information and science, the internet is the most effective media and easy to come by and accessible by anyone anywhere, although can not be denied that because of this freedom can occur also abusers use of Internet facilities as a means of Criminality or obscene, students new to the Internet typically use this facility to search for weird things? As the pictures are not obscene, or weird videos that are "immoral" which can affect the soul and personality of the students themselves, so that the students affected, and disrupt his concentration on the learning process at school.
However, not all students do so, only a handful of students who are curious just who can do it for less memiliki sense of responsibility towards themselves personally and surrounding areas, but in general the Internet is used by each student to seek or obtain information relating to the subject matter which he received in school, it allows students to become more creative and more active in seeking other sources of information and science compared with students who just sat quietly in front of the table and listen to the teacher talk.
This can be a motivator for students to continue to grow and also acts as a shredder (youth), teenagers are creatures that are vulnerable to the changes around him, he will follow the most dominant thing that is nearby so the possibility of a drastic change in times adolescence will lead to where the teenager will run, positive or negative direction depending on where in the start.
Teenagers who daily interact with the Internet will be more responsive to changes in the surrounding information because he was accustomed to and more aware of such information so that he more than others. But in addition, adolescents who have a negative tendency in the opposite case, he will appear passive because only enslaved by the ease and wealth of information from the internet.
Therefore it would be nice if we can wisely use this facility with the best in terms of positive progress for the sake of ourselves and our personal, and as teenagers we all should be able to master the technology that was running hard in this era, because then we 'll come running to welcome the future.
I say thank you for your attention, akhirul said, wassalamualaikum WR WB.
EXAMPLE Parting school graduation speech
Dear Mr. Principal, Mr. and Mrs. Teacher, and friends that I love.
First of all let us praise gratitude to God Almighty for His mercy for all on this day we can come together to hold a farewell ceremony school.
The gentlemen who I respect, allow me to represent my friends to convey a word or two in the framework of this separation.
During school, we as students are very proud and grateful to all teachers who have taught at this school, which is very good, never favoritism in educating, very patient and tireless in guiding us. Thanks to the efforts of all teachers, we were able to graduate from junior high school.
I hope all the teachers in charge of teaching at this school can be given good health and happiness always given.
Also for teman2 all. It feels hard to part with you all, because we've bersama2 for three years. But still I also pray teman2 can all move on to higher education, both to high school, to CMS, the STM and other educational institutions to be able to achieve so far diangan2kan cita2.
Finally, I would say success is always made teman2, my prayer is with teman2 all ...
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